1. 定冠詞 the の発音◆53
2. 不定冠詞 a の発音◆55
3. 不定冠詞 an の用法◆55
4. 曜日の名につく -day の発音◆58
5. network の [e] の発音◆59
6. -edly の発音◆60
7. -man と -men の発音◆62
8. sew の発音◆63
9. women の発音◆63
10. my lord の発音◆64
11. 英語母音の音韻組織と表記法◆64
12. -ng の発音◆69
13. [k] [g] の前の n の発音◆70
14. [t 綻 [ts] などの音韻論的解釈◆71
15. [θ] [δ] と前後の子音との連結◆73
16. handkerchiefs の発音◆75
17. Moses', Keats's などの発音◆76
18. often の t(の発音)◆78
19. newspaper の発音◆78
20. used to の否定・疑問の発音◆79
21. have to, of course の発音◆79
22. dance の発音◆80
23. exhibit, exhibition の発音◆81
24. アメリカ音の [t]◆82
25. lobster の [b]◆84
26. 語尾の音の無声化◆87
27. 英音か米音か(学校ではどちらを教えるのがよいか)◆87
28. 英音 [o] と米音 [a] の対応◆90
29. 英音 [a:] と米音 [ae(:)]の対応◆91
30. wh- の発音◆93
31. either の発音◆94
32. [э] [э:] の発音◆96
33. 米音における r-linking◆98
34. 母音の長さ([si:] と [si:d] の [i:], [bid] と [bit] の [i])◆99
35. 「レディー」「リーダー」などの日本語(「レディ」「リーダ」か)◆102
36. 英語の発音における促音的なもの(促音的なものがあるか)◆104
37. 子音が1音節になる場合(prism は2音節語か)◆106
38. banana, prism, record の分綴◆108
39. un- のつく語の発音◆111
40. television のアクセント◆112
41. prefecture のアクセント◆113
42. downstairs のアクセント◆113
43. comment のアクセント◆115
44. princess のアクセント◆116
45. good-looking のアクセント◆117
46. a Japanese boy の Japanese のアクセント◆119
47. 綴字につけるアクセント記号の位置◆120
48. 第2アクセントの示し方◆121
49. [fla'uэ] か [flauэ] か◆122
50. 1音節語のアクセント記号◆124
51. her mother's heart の強勢◆126
52. too と文強勢の位置◆127
53. perhaps の強形と弱形◆128
54. there の強形と弱形◆129
55. have の強形と弱形◆130
56. on の弱形◆131
57. Intonation mark の種類◆132
58. 矢印の位置◆136
59. or のついた疑問文の Intonation◆136
60. 副詞節[句]のついた疑問文の Intonation◆138
61. Yes-no question とその答えの Intonation◆140
62. Wh-question の Intonation◆142
63. Tag-question(付加疑問)に対する応答と Intonation◆143
64. 列挙する場合の Intonation◆145
65. 呼びかけのことばの Intonation◆146
66. Thank you の Intonation◆148
67. I beg your pardon の Intonation◆148
68. 段落の切り方と Intonation◆149
69. 段落の切り方◆151
70. 発音記号の呼び名◆152
71. 発音記号の筆順と筆記体◆153
72. 発音記号を教える時期と方法◆154
73. Greenwich の発音(その由来)◆155
74. 命令文の Intonation(下降調か上昇調か)◆156
75. empty は [e'mti] か [e'mpti] か◆157
76. POD , COD の発音表記法◆158
1. the sun (固有名詞ではないか)◆160
2. man か men か(人間全体をさすとき)◆161
3. bus の複数形◆162
4. sky と skies◆162
5. weather と weathers◆163
6. rain と rains◆164
7. money は Countable か Uncountable か◆165
8. hair か hairs か◆166
9. fruit か fruits か◆167
10. hope と hopes◆167
11. on Sunday と on Sundays◆168
12. family の意味◆169
13. a pink and white tulip の複数◆170
14. women teachers か woman teachers か◆172
15. no child か no children か◆172
16. their fork か their forks か◆173
17. We are a student. と We are students.◆174
18. on all fours (fours の意味)◆175
19. three kinds of sentences と three kinds of sentence◆176
20. these kinds of trees と these kind of trees◆177
21. three pairs of trousers か three pair of trousers か◆178
22. metre か metres か(小数の場合)◆179
23. six feet か six foot か◆180
24. one hundred million か one hundred millions か◆181
25. some hundred と some hundreds◆182
26. many thousand years か many thousands of years か◆184
27. a four year course か a four years course か◆185
28. a pin's head (the head of a pin とどうちがうか)◆186
29. the school's teaching method(可能か)◆186
30. this system of Louis か this system of Louis's か◆187
31. my picture と a picture of me◆188
32. a picture of my father と a picture of my father's と my father's picture◆189
33. a friend of my father's と a friend of my father◆190
34. a friend of mine と one of my friends◆191
35. at Maruzen's か at Maruzen か at Maruzen's bookstore か◆193
36. John and Mary's mother か John's and Mary's mother か◆194
37. go to the doctor's と go to the doctor◆196
38. Hawthorne house と Hawthorne's house◆197
39. three weeks と for three weeks◆198
40. evenings は属格か複数か◆200
41. 主格関係を表わす of か目的格を表わす of か(government of the people)◆201
42. 目的語か副詞的目的格か(wind its way )◆202
43. thirty years her senior (his men, thirty years her senior の文法的説明)◆203
44. turn back to camp の camp は名詞か動詞か◆203
45. o'clock 付記の要不要(at six と at six o'clock )◆205
46. goods をうける代名詞は単数か復数か◆205
47. family と動詞の呼応◆206
48. whereabouts と動詞の呼応◆206
49. a year and a half と動詞の呼応◆207
50. a total of 〜 と動詞の呼応◆208
51. a number of 〜 と動詞の呼応◆208
52. a pair of 〜 と動詞の呼応◆209
53. 複数名詞と動詞の呼応◆209
54. 数詞と動詞の呼応◆210
55. 分数と動詞の呼応◆211
56. three-and-twenty と twenty-three の違い◆211
92. angel の性◆248
93. a people who were wild (a people と動詞の呼応)◆250
94. aircraft◆251
95. beard(単数か複数か)◆252
96. thread, string の可算・非可算◆253
●it の用法
57. 天候を表わす it(まったくの形式語か,それとも何かをさすか)◆212
58. 時間を表わす it か形式上の主語の it か◆213
59. 物語のはじめの it の用法◆215
60. it か this か(What is this? の答えに This is a ... と言わないか)◆216
61. think best to 〜 か think it best to 〜 か◆217
●this, that の用法
62. Who is this? か Who is that? か(電話で)◆218
63. 名詞の繰り返しを避けるための those of の有無◆219
64. 名詞の繰り返しを避けるための one of と that of の用法◆220
●one の用法
65. 総称的 one と we(両者の違い)◆221
66. them か ones か(I'll tell you about penguins. Have you ever seen ones [them] ?)◆222
67. 補語としての a large one と large◆223
68. 船舶や国をさす she(その由来)◆223
69. a dog を his でうける場合◆225
●self -Pronoun(再帰代名詞)
70. self -Pronoun の用法上の区別◆226
71. one ... the other (the former ... the latter との関係)◆227
72. each other と one another(区別は確立しているか)◆228
73. its の独立所有格(ないか)◆229
74. objective genitive としての his(I hastened to his aid.)◆231
75. than の次の名詞の格と代名詞の格◆232
76. than の次の代名詞の格◆233
77. It is 〜 that の構文における代名詞の格◆234
78. 主格補語としての代名詞の格◆235
79. 目的格補語としての代名詞の格◆236
80. his own 〜 と 〜 of his own◆237
81. 意味上の主語としての代名詞(It is good for him to do that. なぜ意味上の主語と考えられるか)◆238
82. 主節と従節における代名詞の位置(Though he is ..., Mr.Y is ... か Though Mr. Y is ..., he is ... か)◆239
83. 日記文における I の省略◆241
84. a mysterious something の something は名詞か代名詞か◆242
85. every の品詞◆243
86. none と動詞の呼応◆244
87. one of you と動詞の呼応◆244
88. 単数の主語に対する複数の補語◆245
89. each of us は単数呼応か複数呼応か◆246
90. everybody の単数呼応と複数呼応(どちらか)◆246
91. one に呼応するのは his か one's か◆247
97. 所有格形の連続◆255
98. twenty years' [twenty-year] absence◆
99. a number of words has [have]◆257
100. any of ... の呼応◆258
101. It is true what he says.(What he says is true. との違い)◆259
102. There is one on this street.(one の訳し方)◆260
103. I gave him one.(I gave one him. か)◆261
104. one か that か the one か◆262
105. 単数普通名詞を受ける them◆263
1. a few◆265
2. many men と many a man◆265
3. a five minutes' walk◆266
4. a third は単数扱いか複数扱いか◆266
5. a must◆267
6. a Mr.Brown と one Mr. Brown◆267
7. a [in a, per, every, each] week◆268
8. a 〜 ,a certain 〜,some 〜 の相違◆268
9. a good news か good news か◆269
10. a piece of work と a work◆270
11. a knowledge と some knowledge◆271
12. a good medicine, good medicine◆271
13. a heavy rain と heavy rain◆273
14. a bright yellow◆274
15. a fine black dust◆274
16. ice-cream, coffee, beer などの数え方◆276
17. take a deep interest◆276
18. business と a business◆278
19. catch cold か catch a cold か◆278
20. headache か a headache か◆279
21. brother to, a brother to, a brother of◆280
22. keep eye on 〜 か keep an eye on 〜 か◆280
23. with uncertain hand◆281
24. folly, fun と不定冠詞◆282
25. as writer か as a writer か◆283
26. 補語として用いられた名詞の前の冠詞の有無◆284
27. ... fool enough か ... a fool enough か◆287
28. It is a pity. か It is pity. か◆
29. a great aid, great aids, great aid◆289
30. in (a) great measure◆289
31. What kind of (a) ...? ; a good sort of (a) ...◆290
32. part of と a part of◆292
33. a Japanese か Japanese か◆293
34. ‘Bara’ is called ‘rose.’ か ‘Bara’is called ‘a rose.’か◆294
35. one と a one◆294
36. a sailor and an artist と a sailor and artist◆295
37. a living room, bed room, kitchen, bathroom, and a parlor◆296
38. guess pig for donkey (なぜ無冠詞か)◆297
39. Dog will not eat dog.(なぜ無冠詞か)◆297
40. the old Lord Montague◆298
41. Emperor Meiji と the Emperor Meiji◆299
42. young Lincoln と the young Lincoln◆300
43. the Shelley of the letters(の意味)◆301
44. the Pennsylvania Railroad Station か Pennsylvania Railroad Station か◆303
45. the Tokyo station Building か Tokyo Station Building か◆303
46. Ueno Zoo か the ueno Zoo か◆304
47. spring と the spring◆304
48. last Sunday と the last Sunday◆305
49. in future か in the future か◆306
50. spring months と the spring months◆307
51. cholera か the cholera か(病名と the)◆307
52. the English language, English literature◆308
53. French と the French◆309
54. take dinner か take the dinner か◆309
55. all others と all the others◆310
56. all nations か all the nations か◆310
57. in hospital か in the hospital か◆311
58. ... is strangest of all か ... is the strangest of all か◆312
59. (the) freedom of speech◆312
60. (the) life in the country◆314
61. the cause of the fire か the cause of fire か◆314
62. be appointed the president of と be appointed president of◆315
63. good for the health, good for health, good for one's health◆316
64. to (the) death◆318
65. on earth◆319
66. sun and rain◆320
67. worth the having◆321
68. the week か a Week か◆323
69. a Sunday と the Sunday◆323
70. the Bible, a Bible◆324
71. the average man か an average man か◆324
72. a reading habit か the reading habit か◆326
73. the sea と a calm sea◆326
74. a best suit と the best suit◆327
75. a very home と the very home◆327
76. as a result of と as the result of◆328
77. a cause of か the cause of か◆330
78. a dictionary that ... か the dictionary that ... か(先行詞の前の冠詞)◆330
79. a man who [whom] ... か the man who [whom] ...◆332
80. a second か the second か◆333
81. one, another, the third か one, another, a third か◆334
82. play the flute と blow a flute◆335
83. play the piano と play a piano と play piano◆336
84. Mr.Smith, the butcher と Mr.Smith, a butcher と Mr.Smith, butcher◆336
85. speak truth, speak the truth, speak a truth◆337
86. take (a) pleasure in 〜ing と take (the) pleasure to 〜◆338
87. Wells' The Time Machine か Wells' Time Machine か◆340
88. History of, A History of, The History of◆341
89. (a) half past ... と a quarter past ... (a の有無)◆342
90. in (the) summer◆343
91. the suburb と a suburb◆344
1. pleasanter か more pleasant か◆346
2. further, furthest の原級◆347
3. look old か look older か◆348
4. most beautiful か beautifullest か◆348
5. more perfect か more nearly perfect か◆350
6. many times larger than か many times as large as か◆350
7. longer than five feet は可能か◆352
8. the most beautiful, a most beautiful, most beautiful の相違◆353
●More Than
9. more bad than useless か worse than useless か◆354
10. more than five books は「5冊以上の本」か「6冊以上の本」か◆356
11. more than two thousand years の more の品詞◆357
12. No (other) building is so high as that. −− other は必要か◆357
13. 〜 than any (other) boy in his class の other は省略できるか◆360
14. the largest 〜 of any 〜 は可能か◆361
15. every fourth year は every three years と同じか,every four years と同じか◆363
16. its every 〜 は可能か◆364
17. on either side と on both sides の相違◆366
18. 条件文の中の some◆367
19. 否定文の中の some◆368
20. 疑問文の中の some◆369
21. some の次は単数名詞か複数名詞か◆370
22. the most famous place と the place most famous◆372
23. six forks and six knives と six forks and knives の相違◆372
24. the weary road の weary の用法◆374
25. many と a lot of◆375
26. 否定文の中の a lot of◆376
27. a number of 〜 の意味◆377
28. near と near to と nearer to◆378
29. be sure to 〜 と be sure of 〜 の相違◆379
30. be interested to 〜 と be interested in 〜◆380
31. little と small の相違◆381
32. big, large, great の相違◆383
33. ill と sick◆385
34. economic と economical の相違◆386
35. Scotch, Scots, Scottish の相違◆386
36. childish と childlike の相違◆387
37. healthy と healthful の相違◆388
38. apt, liable, likely の相違◆389
39. Japanese と Japan's と of Japan の相違◆390
40. elder brother か older brother か◆392
41. Descartes の形容詞形◆393
42. 肯定文の中の far◆394
43. next Saturday と Saturday next week の相違◆394
44. one of these fine days の fine の意味◆395
91. early の比較語形◆444
92. than + 複数名詞(than all (the) other + 複数名詞と than any other + 単数名詞)◆445
45. read loudly と read aloud の相違◆395
46. hard と hardly◆397
47. hardly と scarcely◆397
48. high と highly◆398
49. smell sweet か smell sweetly か◆399
50. specially と especially の相違◆400
51. almost と mostly◆402
52. yet と still◆402
53. now か then か(過去の文において)◆403
54. two months before か two months ago か(時制との関連で)◆404
55. like better と like more◆406
56. like を修飾する副詞 much の比較変化はなぜ much-better-best か◆407
57. the + 比較級における the の省略◆409
58. How much younger is she than you? は正しい言い方か◆410
59. 副詞の最上級に定冠詞がつくか◆411
60. half as old again の意味◆412
61. as well as の意味◆413
62. not so 〜 as と not as 〜 as◆414
63. just as like as not の意味◆416
64. Nothing ... more 〜 than か nothing ... so 〜 as か◆417
65. shine brightly と shine bright の相違◆417
66. clean と cleanly(I clean [cleanly] forgot to 〜 で)◆419
67. sat up late と sat up till late◆420
68. even は名詞を修飾しても副詞か◆421
69. twice the sun の twice は副詞か◆421
70. School is over. の over は副詞か形容詞か◆422
71. a nice long letter の nice は副詞か◆423
72. there's a good fellow の there の用法と品詞◆424
73. 文中における clearly の位置◆425
74. 省略文における never の位置◆426
75. 文中における once の位置◆427
76. 文中における only の位置と意味の相違◆428
●Too の用法
77. too は何を修飾するか◆430
78. too の前のコンマの有無◆431
79. 否定文における too◆432
●So の用法
80. so の用法(So am I. / So I've heard. / I hope so.)◆433
81. such good boys と so good boys◆433
●Very, Much の用法
82. very different か much different か◆434
83. 過去分詞を修飾するのは very か much か◆435
84. very afraid か much afraid か◆437
85. simply の意味(His grammar is simply terrible)◆438
86. may ... possibly とただ may だけを用いた場合の相違◆439
87. live three doors off の three doors は「4軒目」か「3軒目」か◆440
88. look a day more than forty-five の意味◆440
89. What time ...? と At what time ...?◆441
90. School is over. は完了の意味か◆442
93. a lot of − many, much◆446
94. 「夏は暑い」◆447
95. whole (adj .)◆448
96. ever か never か◆450
97. 交尾の to◆451
98. exactly は何を修飾するか◆452
99. 否定語でない hardly◆455
1. 動詞の基本活用形(現在分詞ははいるか)◆456
2. admire + that -Clause(は可能か)◆457
3. arise と rise◆458
4. attempt to do (attempt much は可能か)◆459
5. He is out. の is は不完全動詞か◆460
6. The book is on the desk. の is は完全動詞か◆462
7. bear one a child (における bear の用法)◆464
8. bear 〜ing(における bear の用法)◆465
9. become, get, grow (形容詞を伴った場合の用法上の相違)◆466
10. blown off(「私は帽子をふきとばされた」という場合の)◆467
11. boast in [of, about]◆468
12. carry on [out]◆469
13. catch me by the hand (catch my hand とは言わないか)◆469
14. be cancelled by (可能か)◆471
15. consider 〜ing [to do]◆471
16. decline 〜ing [to do]◆472
17. be determined [resolved] (この determine, resolve は自動詞か)◆472
18. discuss と discuss on◆474
19. doubt if [that] ... (I doubt that ... は可能か)◆475
20. drown は自動詞か他動詞か◆477
21. be elected (as) ...◆478
22. fail to do ; fail of ... (fail の用法)◆478
23. as follows (as follow となる場合があるか)◆479
24. forget と leave(「置き忘れる」にはどちらも使えるか)◆480
25. go と come(意味の違い)◆481
26. go (on) a journey◆482
27. go to school(の意味)◆483
28. have been gone (の文法的説明)◆484
29. have −− Anomalous か Non-anomalous か◆485
30. Do you have ...? (この由来)◆487
31. have と have got (所有を表わす場合の相違)◆490
32. have got と have gotten(の相違)◆492
33. have + 目的語 + P.P.(受身と使役の区別をどうつけるか)◆493
34. have a + 名詞(have a look at と look at の違い)◆495
35. have no money with me (with me は省けるか)◆496
36. intend to do (文語体か,これにあたる口語体は)◆497
37. know (of) him(know him と know of him の違い)◆497
38. I know not (この由来および頻度)◆498
39. let は助動詞か◆499
40. like baseball の意味◆500
41. look (like) an honest man◆501
42. look me in the face (look は他動詞か)◆502
43. name ... (as) 〜 (as のあるのは正しいか)◆503
44. open と be opened の違い◆504
45. oppose と be opposed と oppose to の違い◆505
46. ready(動詞に使えるか)◆506
47. repent that ... (可能か)◆506
48. say と tell(話法は関連しての用法上の違い)◆508
49. say to oneself(の意味)◆510
50. This is George who wants to see you.(wants は has wantedではないか)◆511
51. seem, appear, look(の相違)◆512
52. show [tell] me the way (show me the way と tell the way の相違)◆513
53. sing + 目的語 + asleep(asleep は文法上いかなる要素か)◆514
54. speak と talk(意味・用法上の相違)◆515
55. speak of ... (speak of learning their “alpha, beta”(の意味)◆516
56. steal と rob(用法上の相違)◆517
57. be surprised how ...(at か by はいらないか)◆518
58. swindle(の用法)◆519
59. take (=eat)と have (=eat)◆520
60. be taught ... from ... (from は by とすべきではないか)◆520
61. try and do = try to do (この用法は限られたものか)◆521
62. undertake と undergo(「手術をうける」ではどちらが正しいか)◆523
105. Conjugation の規則◆568
106. like と like better (Which would you like, A or B? と Which would you like better, A or B?)◆570
63. do + 目的語 ; 助動詞 + (本動詞) + 目的語(Do you like apples?に対し,Yes, I do them と言えるか.また he can play baseball and I can tennis. と言えるか)◆523
64. 〜ing, as I do, ... の用法(なぜ 〜ing as I am, とならないか)◆524
65. 単純未来の shall, will の用法(will you ... は単純未来か意志未来か)◆525
66. who shall do it の shall(の用法)◆527
67. Japan shall supply ... の shall(の用法)◆528
68. I think I shall [will] ... (...したいと思う」はどちらか)◆528
69. 副詞節の中の will(の用法)◆529
70. 副詞節の中の shall(の用法)◆531
71. 修辞疑問文における shall(の用法)◆532
72. you will ... (命令・威嚇を表わす)◆533
73. won't = will not (なぜ won't となるか)◆534
74. Will [Would] you please ...? (Would you ...? はどれくらいていねいか)◆534
75. I should [would] be much obliged. (どちらが正しいか)◆535
76. 従属節中の would と should (=I never expected that he would [should] ... 両者の違い)◆536
77. should [would] like to (主語の人称で違うか)◆536
78. Would と used to◆538
79. used to の疑問形(Did you use to ... か Used you to ...? か)◆539
80. must, ought, to, should (用法上の相違)◆540
81. Do [Can] you speak English?◆541
82. can [could] と be [was] able to◆542
83. 推定の must に伴う動詞(be 動詞や完了形以外にどんな動詞がくるか,またこれは文語体か)◆544
84. You must not ... と Don't ...◆546
85. 許可の May [Can] I◆547
86. 許可の may の否定形◆548
87. may well と may as well◆549
88. (禁止の)must not と cannot◆551
89. have to と have gotto◆551
90. 疑問文における must, need, have (got) to(の相違)◆552
91. must = had to (must は過去形としては用いられないか)◆554
92. have not to, do not have to, need not(の相違)◆555
93. need only say (need は肯定文でも助動詞に用いられるか)◆556
94. need-Anomalous か Non-anomalous か◆557
95. did not need to と need not have + P.P◆558
96. 否定文における助動詞 dare◆559
97. If ... should ... の仮定に対する帰結の主節における助動詞(現在形でも過去形でもよいのか)◆560
98. could [should] have + P.P. の意味◆561
99. 仮定法の could と might(直接法 can と may との相違)◆562
100. might ... but ... (この might の意味)◆563
101. 依頼を表わす might(この might は仮定法か)◆564
102. I should say(この should の用法)◆565
103. had better, had rather の had は助動詞か◆566
104. had ought to (文法的説明)◆567
107. ‘see + (that) ...’の see◆570
108. have + object + 〜ing (We can't have you wasting your time ...)◆572
109. have to は助動詞か否か(I have to go.)◆573
110. dared(Anomalous か Non-anomalous か)◆574
111. doing, done は助動詞となりうるか◆575
112. Who should come in but the man?◆576
113. I wish he would ... (would の意味)◆577
114. would of went (I would of went about it different. の of の訳し方)◆578
115. had better の疑問文◆579
1. 現在形か未来形か(1)(I hope you are [will be ] in good health.)◆581
2. 現在形か未来形か(2)(What day of the week is it [will it be ] tomorrow?)◆582
3. 未来を表わす現在形(I start [shall start, am starting, am going to start] tomorrow.)◆582
4. 過去形か現在形か(1)(Washington is [was] the first president.)◆585
5. 過去形か現在形か(2)(Return whence you come [came] .)◆586
6. 過去形か現在形か(3)(過去の描写の中において)◆586
7. 真理を表わす過去形◆587
8. now that I am dead (now that I was dead ではないか)◆588
9. 進行形か単純形か(wear, is wearing / live, is living / have lived, have been living)◆589
10. 未来を表わす進行形(will, shall との相違)◆591
11. I must be going. (この be going はふつうの進行形か)◆592
12. 継続を表わさない have been 〜ing(単純現在完了形との違い)◆592
13. see, hear の進行形の意味◆594
14. go fishing の進行形(is going to fish か)◆595
15. be going to 〜 による未来時制(will, shall との相違)◆596
16. be + 過去分詞の完了形(have + 過去分詞との相違)◆598
17. Have you ever seen ...? と Did you ever see ...? (経験)◆599
18. Did you hear the bell? と Have you heard the bell?◆600
19. 過去形か現在完了形か(1)(I just arrived in Japan, と I have just arrived in Japan.)◆600
20. 過去形か現在完了形か(2)(know の「経験」)◆601
21. 過去形か現在完了形か(3)(Since 1929 he (has) visited Japan at least twice a year.)◆602
22. 過去形か現在完了形か(4)(I killed him. と I have killed him.)◆603
23. 現在形か現在完了形か(forget と have forgotten)◆604
24. 未来完了形か未来単純形か(1)(I shall finish [have finished] it in a week.)◆604
25. 未来完了形か未来単純形か(2)(I shall be [have been] ready by the time.)◆606
26. 現在完了形か現在形か(to this day という副詞句に関連して)◆607
27. 現在完了進行形か非進行形か(I have studied [have been studying] English for five years.)◆609
28. 未来完了進行形か非進行形か(Next March I shall have lived [have been living] here ten years.)◆610
29. When ...? と現在完了形(When have I done such a thing?)◆611
30. 過去の時を示す副詞と現在完了形◆612
31. have been to と have been in◆613
32. go の完了形と経験の意味◆615
33. come の完了形と経験の意味◆616
34. 過去完了形の文例の示し方◆617
35. 過去完了形と ... ago(before が正しくはないか)◆617
36. 過去完了形の意味(Presently, God sent them a baby girl −− a boy had come , too −− and seven happy years◆619
37. 過去形か過去完了形か(1)(He died [had died ] before I was born.)◆620
38. 過去形か過去完了形か(2)(It trembled by the time he (had) finished) ◆621
39. 過去形か過去完了形か(3)(He became [had become] so fit and well that I could hardly recognize him.)◆623
40. no sooner + 過去形 ... than ... (主節と従節との動詞の時制)◆624
41. I had not gone far when ...(I had not gone far when it began to rain と It began to rain when I had not gone far.)◆626
42. 話法と時制の一致(1)(She told me that she went [had gone] to school with mamma when she was [had been] little girl.)◆627
43. 話法と時制の一致(2)(真理を表わす表現も時制の一致の法則に支配されるか)◆629
44. 話法と時制の一致(3)(時制の一致を要しない場合)◆630
45. 話法と時制の一致(4)(The doctor told me that the invalid will [would] die.)◆631
46. 話法と時制の一致(5)(She said today she is [was] ...◆632
47. It is ... that −− (強意形式)における時制の一致◆634
48. 主部である名詞節中の述語動詞と述部の述語動詞の時制の一致(The fact that he has no money was ...◆636
49. 仮定法と時制の一致(1)(If I would buy the book which I have [had] long wanted to.)◆636
50. 仮定法と時制の一致(2)(If an economic revolution did not make changes in the way in which people earn [earned] ...◆637
51. 比較などの副調節における時制の一致(He used to read as I do now.)638
82. says I (可能か)◆680
83. in the past の句と時制◆681
84. It is [has been] three years since◆682
85. 未来完了と意志表現(未来完了には意志表現はないのか)◆684
86. It was the severest we have had .(矛盾してはいないか)◆685
87. It is time + 過去時制◆686
52. 仮定法と直説法(If an animal is [were] deprived of air, it dies [would die] .◆638
53. 条件法(Conditional mood)とは◆639
54. 前提節に過去形,帰結節に完了形(可能か)◆641
55. as if [as though] の節における時制◆642
56. 仮定法か直説法か(though の節において)◆645
57. 仮定法の was(were との相違)◆646
58. It is time につづく時制◆647
59. if it were not for ... (it は何をさすか,また for の意味は)◆649
60. as it were (文法的説明)◆650
61. God save the King! (この save は命令法か仮定法か)◆651
62. 動名詞を主語にしたら仮定が含まれるか(To finish [finishing] the work so soon would be difficult.)◆653
63. I wish that ... (that は必要か)◆654
88. I wish I could have gone.◆688
89. than if のあとの過去完了◆689
90. asked if that were the one ... (if や whether のあとに仮定法がくるか)◆690
91. that ... の名詞節に仮定法(原形)が用いられる場合はどんな場合か◆691
92. Be it ever so humble, ... (この Be の文法的説明)◆693
93. 法(時制の一致)(If I had known how they pronounced Golz in Spanish I would pick [would have picked] me out◆694
64. 受動態における by ... の位置◆655
65. Whom was it discovered by? (可能か)◆657
66. Somebody must have taken it. の受動態◆658
67. by ... か with ... か◆660
68. It is known to ... は受動態か◆661
69. get + P.P. と become + P.P◆662
70. get + P.P. は by ... を伴うか◆664
71. They speak well of him. の受動態◆665
72. be seated と seat oneself◆667
73. You were warming yourself. の受動態◆668
74. 与格動詞の受動態(A book was given (to ) him. はいずれが正しいか.He was given a book. は可能か)◆670
75. She wrote him a letter. の受動態◆672
76. I forgot to wind up my watch. の受動態◆673
77. have の受動態(あるか)◆675
78. award の受動態(あるか)◆676
79. No visits were paid on Sundays. の能動態◆677
80. be put to school to an older canary (文法的説明)◆678
81. best-seller の意味(なぜ seller は「売れるもの」の意味になるか)◆679
94. They say that Mr. Jones is very rich. の受動態(It is said that ... か Mr. Jones is said to be ... か)◆696
95. live in ... の受動態(可能か)◆697
96. Activo-passive◆698
97. 受動態と目的語◆699
1. It ... for ... to 〜 (for ... はいつも不定詞の意味上の主語か)◆701
2. It is certain for him to go. は正しいか◆704
3. It is kind of [for] you to 〜◆705
4. wait for me to come home (この不定詞は何用法か)◆706
5. It takes five minutes for you to ... と It takes you five minutes to ... 708
6. 動詞 + 目的語 + 不定詞の文型(この不定詞は間接目的語か目的補語か)◆709
7. 動詞 + 目的語 + 原形の文型(この原形は文の要素から言えば何か)◆711
8. They let me go. の受動態(I was let to go. か)◆713
9. have got + 目的語 + 不定詞(have got は使役動詞か)◆714
10. have him do と get him to do (なぜ to が get の場合には必要か)◆715
11. have + 物 + 原形,get + 物 + 不定詞(この構文は可能か)◆717
12. how to do (この不定詞は何用法か)◆718
13. whether to do (ask の目的語になりうるか)◆720
14. 名詞 + 不定詞(いつもこの不定詞は形容詞用法か)◆721
15. no money to buy the book (with)◆723
16. 形容詞用法の不定詞の意味上の主語(He has no friend to help [to be helped] .)◆725
17. 「結果」と「原因」の不定詞(He awoke to find the house. と I REJOICE TO HEAR of your success. は同じ文型か)◆726
18. so as to 〜 と in order to 〜◆727
19. 形容詞(sure, afraid, slow など) + 不定詞(この不定詞は何用法か)◆729
20. have to do ... と have 〜 to do◆731
21. the first to come(この不定詞は何用法か)◆733
22. be about to 〜(文法的説明)◆734
23. be going to 〜 (going in order to 〜 との区別.この不定詞の用法)◆735
24. seem [appear] to 〜 (この不定詞は何用法か)◆736
25. go on to talk (この不定詞は何用法か)◆738
26. Please not to 〜 (この不定詞の用法.Please don't 〜 との相違)◆739
27. as much as to say (この不定詞の用法)◆740
28. all I have to do is (to) go downstairs◆740
29. had rather [better] + 原形(had のあとにはなぜ原形がつづくか)◆742
30. go do = go and do (これは限られた語法か)◆743
31. than do ... か than to do ... か◆744
32. think fit to 〜 (think it fit to 〜 との相違)◆746
33. make believe (この語法の由来)◆747
34. too heavy for him to lift (it)(it の要・不要の判別法)◆749
35. 受動形の不定詞(There was nothing to see [to be seen] .)◆750
36. 仮定を表わす完了形の不定詞(単純形の不定詞との相違)◆751
37. 分割不定詞(どの程度許されるか)◆752
38. I'll try to. (代不定詞)(I'll try. との相違)◆753
39. begin 〜ing [to do]◆754
40. like to do と like doing◆757
41. remember doing と remember to do◆758
42. stop doing と stop to do◆758
43. look forward to 〜ing [do]◆759
44. to のあとに不定詞か動名詞か◆760
45. on the way to 〜 (この to のあとに動詞をつづけられるか)◆761
46. I saw him swim [swimming]◆763
60. think to 〜 (つねに過去形で用いるのか)◆785
61. bleed to death と bleed to die◆785
62. except (to) paint ... (except painting との違い)◆787
63. prefer to die rather than (to) pay◆789
64. whose business (it) is to translate◆791
65. 「名詞 + 不定詞」と「名詞 + 前置詞 + 動名詞」(inclination to do と inclination of doing)◆792
47. (the) stealing (of) the horse◆763
48. reading は名詞か動名詞か◆765
49. 動名詞を修飾する副詞の位置◆768
50. 動名詞の意味上の主語(1)(名詞の場合所有格か通格か)◆769
51. 動名詞の意味上の主語(2)(After reading sixteen books, the subject is still blank to me. は文法上誤りか)◆771
52. 動名詞の時制(I remember seeing [having seen] ...◆772
53. reading for reading's sake と reading for the sake of reading◆774
54. of one's 〜ing(この 〜ing は名詞か動名詞か)◆775
z55. There is no use (in) 〜ing◆777
56. a dancing teacher の音調◆779
57. (In) looking back on the past I ...◆779
58. It is no use 〜ing [to do]◆781
59. To see is ... と Seeing is ...◆783
66. It's kind of you saying so. は可能か( ... to say ... か)◆794
67. I am happy to get [(in) getting] at the book.◆795
68. in spite of + 動名詞◆798
1. dying は現在分詞か形容詞か◆801
2. pleased は過去分詞か形容詞か◆803
3. 完了の意味を表わす過去分詞(There was a woman come to see you this morning. の come は who has come ... の意味か)◆804
4. 能動の意味を表わす過去分詞(He is well-read in classics. )◆805
5. 「have + 目的語 + 過去分詞」の意味(They have their work done . と They have done their work.)◆806
6. 副詞用法の現在分詞(shocking bad と shockingly bad)◆808
7. 副詞用法の過去分詞(damned hot とその類例)◆809
8. provided と providing◆810
9. This is Jane speaking.(speaking の文法的説明)◆812
10. for the time being (being の文法的説明)◆814
11. 分詞構文は副詞的修飾語か形容詞的修飾語か◆814
12. 分詞構文における分詞の主語の省略(一般の人でなくても可能か)◆816
13. 分詞構文の位置(主文の主語が代名詞の場合)◆818
14. 分詞構文における being の省略(Today being a holiday, ... / It being fine, ... で being は省略可能か)◆820
15. 自動詞の過去分詞による分詞構文(Arrived at ... の前に省略されているのは Being か Having か)◆823
16. The place for a bird is in the sky, alive. (alive の文法的説明)◆825
17. 条件を表わす分詞構文(その文例)◆827
18. 譲歩を表わす分詞構文(その文例)◆828
19. The house is building.◆830
20. He is busy working.◆831
21. after [before] 〜ing◆833
22. We are surprised at the boy visiting◆835
23. hear [like, admire] her singing◆838
24. 動詞 + 〜ing(be 〜ing , come running / go fishing )◆841
25. He was + 時間 + 〜ing(He was more than an hour trying ...◆843
26. driving wheel◆844
27. eating apples◆846
28. instead of clearing quickly out, not looking back◆847
69. bending と bent◆901
70. aged ten (aged と次の数詞との文法的つながり)◆902
71. How surprised ...!(how の次にくるのは形容詞か副詞ではないのか)902
29. as, than の語類(接続詞か関係詞か)◆847
30. but の語類(接続詞か否か)(I can't but laugh. / She did nothing but laugh.)◆850
31. 接続詞と接続副詞(therefore, still, yet など)◆851
32. as yet, as from, as compared などの as(の語類)◆853
33. 「譲歩」の副詞節を導く as, though (Young as [though] he was ... でなぜ文頭に来ないか)◆855
34. 接続詞 as, only (接続副詞か)◆856
35. 接続詞 that の省略(どのような場合省略が可能か)◆857
36. go (and) see (go and see / go to see / go see の相違)◆861
37. One last crash ... and ... (この and の用法)◆863
38. 疑問文における 〜 or 〜 と either 〜 or 〜◆864
39. or の意味(「言いかえ」か「言いなおし」か)◆865
40. 肯定の節に続く nor(この nor の訳し方)◆866
41. 否定語に続く or と nor◆867
42. for と because の相違◆869
43. Co-ordinate correlative conjunction (等位相関接続詞)による不均衡な表現(both to me and you は許されるか)◆871
44. whether と if の相違◆873
45. whether or no (whether ... or not, whether or not ..., whether ... or no の相違)◆875
46. but that の意味 (=that か,=that ... not か)◆877
47. but what の意味 (=that か,=that ... not か)◆878
48. as ... as と so ... as(as [so] for as, as [so] long as, as [so] soon as における)◆880
49. since; although の導く節の位置◆881
50. 接続詞 like, without(許されるか)◆883
51. 副詞節を導く that の意味(Who are you that you should ...?)◆885
52. that it had never happened (I would give all my goods that it had never happened. の that の意味)◆886
53. while, when と進行形(while には進行形,when には単純形か)◆886
54. nowhere than か nowhere but か◆887
72. now that ... (この節は主節のあとに用いられるか)◆903
73. 接続詞 as (=that)◆904
55. about の品詞(What are you about ? / be about (to do)◆888
56. ago の品詞(ten years ago / long ago )◆889
57. alone の品詞(Kitty alone knows about it.)◆890
58. as の品詞(〜 as we know if)◆891
59. as (=for instance)の品詞◆892
60. as の品詞(as + 過去分詞 ; as + 形容詞)(the ship had been given up as lost / as distinct from◆893
61. as の機能(As is often the case with 〜, ...◆894
62. as of + 月日(この as の語類)◆895
63. as by ... (この as の語類)◆896
64. both の品詞(both 〜 and 〜 )◆897
65. like の品詞(like + (代)名詞)◆898
66. What is the matter? と Is anything the matter? (the matter の機能)◆898
67. true の品詞(True , he is a hard-worker.)◆899
68. little の品詞(副詞用法の a little, little)◆900
1. 前置詞と副詞(1)(前置詞と副詞と同形のものの区別)◆905
2. 前置詞と副詞(2)(He was laughed at ... の at は前置詞か)◆906
3. 前置詞と接続詞(as)◆907
4. 前置詞と接続詞(except と but)◆908
5. 前置詞と分詞(〜ing で前置詞と考えられるものがあるか)◆909
6. 群前置詞(群前置詞の範囲)◆910
7. 前置詞の目的語(副詞,形容詞,副詞句がなりうるか)◆912
8. in tut ... (この意味)◆914
9. 前置詞の後置(前置と後置といずれが普通か)◆916
10. 前置詞の位置(over)(all the world over と all over the world)◆918
11. 前置詞の位置(強意形式)(It was the world history that he was interested in . は可能か)◆919
12. 疑問節の前の前置詞(no idea (as to ) how ... / hesitated (about ) what◆921
13. about の有無(ask という動詞に関連して)◆923
14. (at) about six o'clock◆924
15. (at) full speed◆925
16. (for) ten years◆926
17. except (for)◆926
18. prepare (for) the meal◆928
19. escape (from) 〜ing と prevent one (from) 〜ing◆929
20. start (from) here◆931
21. 前置詞 in の有無(spend a long time (in ) 〜ing / had much difficulty (in ) 〜ing / be late (in ) 〜ing / be busy (in ) 〜ing)◆932
22. Write neatly (in) your letter. (in の有無)◆934
23. (in) back of◆934
24. (in) one's own way◆935
25. enter (into)◆936
26. (of) the same height◆937
27. (of) no use◆938
28. figure (of) 8◆939
29. out (of) the window◆940
30. (on) Monday◆941
31. (on) that day◆942
32. (on) every July 4◆943
33. (on) which day◆943
34. on Sunday next と next Sunday◆943
35. play (on) the piano◆944
36. (on) this side (of)◆945
37. insist (on the fact) that◆946
38. back (to) home◆947
39. near (to) / opposite (to)◆948
40. point (to) the north◆949
41. Where (to)?◆950
42. meet (with) him◆951
43. consult (with) a person◆952
44. right (with) an enemy◆953
45. consult about [on, over]◆953
46. among, between (両者の相違)◆954
47. among [of] the three◆955
48. sit around [round] the table◆956
49. around [about] nine o'clock◆957
50. the same ... as [with]◆957
51. as far as と to◆959
52. at 500 yen と for 500 yen◆959
53. at night, by night, in the night◆
54. at Oxford, in London(場所を表わす at と in)◆961
55. have been at [in, to]◆962
56. smile at [on]◆964
57. open your book at [to] page 10.◆965
58. begin at [from, on, with]◆966
59. be pleased at [by, with]◆967
60. by [for] oneself(意味の相違)◆969
61. leave by [on] the train (「汽車で立つ」の意味で)◆970
62. (受動態)by ..., with◆971
63. run down the bank (この表現の意味)◆972
64. for tomorrow(この for の意味)◆973
65. be late for [at]◆974
66. for [of] you to do (It is ... の構文で)◆975
67. in gratitude for [of]◆976
68. interesting for [to] me◆977
69. started for [to]◆978
70. charged for [with]◆979
71. differently from [than]◆980
72. differ from [with] you◆
73. from A to B, to B from A◆982
74. in the street (この表現の意味)◆983
75. in a plane, by plane◆983
76. the climate in [of] Tokyo◆984
77. in [of] the world◆985
78. improve in [(up)on]◆985
79. into, in (or to)◆987
80. of an evening (in the evening との相違)◆988
81. give of ... (この of の意味)◆989
82. (English) teacher of Japanese (「英語を教える日本人の先生」の意味になるか)◆990
83. be of light blue (この of の意味)◆990
84. a portrait of my father (この意味)◆991
85. a fine figure of a woman (この意味)◆992
86. It's kind of rou (この文の意味)◆993
87. think of [about]◆994
88. the cause of [for]◆995
89. made of [from]◆996
90. father of [to] the man◆997
91. on [from, off from] the table◆
92. on [by] television◆999
93. go on a picnic, go for a picnic◆1000
94. spend ... on [in]◆1001
95. passengers on [of] the train◆1003
96. on [in] the morning of Sunday◆1004
97. line 10 on [of] page 20◆1004
98. a member on [of, in] the team◆1005
99. on [over] the tree◆1006
100. on to, onto◆1006
101. jumped out from [of] the corner◆1007
102. since a week ago (可能か)◆1008
103. since [from] childhood◆1009
104. pay a visit to [at]◆1010
105. known to [by]◆1011
106. to, for(間接目的語の後置の場合いずれを用いるか)◆1011
107. agree to [with]◆1012
108. toward, towards◆1014
109. under [beneath] his coat◆1014
110. up [down] the road◆1015
111. what with [what by] overwork◆1015
112. Down with ...!(この with の意味)◆1016
113. usual with [for] a person to do◆1017
114. part with [from]◆1017
115. with [in] pen and ink◆1018
116. with × 目的語 × ... (with -Phrase の文法的説明)◆1019
117. compare with [to]◆1021
118. until after ...◆1022
119. in poetry than (in) prose◆1023
120. My birthday is (on) the sixth◆1024
121. after a week か in a week か◆1025
122. 未来完了進行形と by◆1027
123. beloved by [of]◆1028
124. catch one by the arm の by◆1029
125. in back of◆1030
126. cheat (A) out of (B)◆1032
127. with の一用法◆1033
1. 文の種類(1)(I met Mr. A, who told me the news. / A tiger cannot be tamed, but (=unless)it is caught. / No sooner had I gone out than it began to rain.)◆1034
2. 文の種類(2)(Which do you like better, A or B? / Dogs run and bark. / I went to Rome, where I ... / While reading the paper, I fell asleep. / When a boy, he went to sea. / It never rains but it pours.)◆1035
3. 文の種類(3)(直接話法の文は何文か)◆1037
4. 感嘆文の what と how(What a brave man ... と How brave a man ... / What good English ... と How good English ... / What many books ... と How many books◆1037
5. How came you to know him? と How did you come to know him? ... 1039
6. Where is ...? の答え◆1039
7. Tag-question(付加疑問)(1)(That's a beautiful flower, isn't that ? は可能か)◆1040
8. Tag-question(2)(命令文..., will you? / Let's ..., shall we? / ..., is it not so? / You are still ill, are you? は付加疑問か)◆1041
9. Tag-question(3)(must の場合)◆1042
10. Spare the rod (Spare ... and spoil he child. spoil も命令法か)◆1044
11. 命令文と you(you の有無)◆1045
12. It was (to) him that ... (間接目的語の強調での有無)◆1047
13. 強意構文か(That would be a terrible winter which they had to face.)◆1048
14. What is ‘dusty’? (It is dusty in Tokyo. / Tokyo is dusty . / The road in Tokyo is dusty .)◆1049
15. What is ‘cold ’?(It is cold today. / Today is cold .)◆1050
16. What is ‘convenient ’? (He is convenient on Saturday. / Saturday is convenient to him.)◆1051
17. (un)likely を含む構文(It is unlikely for ... to 〜 は可能か)◆1052
18. It is happy ... or I am happy ...◆1053
19. It is hard that I run ... or It is hard for me to run ...◆1054
20. It is ... that ... or It is for one to 〜◆
21. He is five feet (tall). (tall は省略可能か)◆1056
22. Christmas is (on) December 25.◆1057
23. it is five minutes' walk の主語(The station is five minutes' walk. は可能か)◆1058
24. 主語と補語との区別(What's the capital of England? の答えは London is. か It's London. か)◆1059
25. Accident Kills Bob(このような表現は可能か)◆1061
26. 主語に副詞句が用いられるか(a very few minutes later found ...◆1062
27. What is the matter? (主語は何か)◆1062
28. Such is the ease. (主語は何か)◆1063
29. What has become of her? (答えはなぜ She ... で始まるか)◆1064
30. There is ... の分析(There is a book on the desk. の文の分析)◆1066
31. There is ... と Here is ... (この2つの構文の文法的な説明)◆1067
32. 「存在」を表わす文(The book is on the desk. / There is a book on the desk. / A book is on the desk.)◆1069
33. Who is (there) in the kitchen?◆1070
34. Where is (there) ...? (Is there a cage in the classroom or in the hall? は可能か)◆1071
35. There is the ...(There is ... の主語に特定のものが用いられるか)◆1072
36. What is there on the desk? の答え(A book is. は可能か)◆1075
37. there be + 主語 + 分詞(There is Father waiting ... と Father is waiting ... / There were several stars seen ... と Several stars were seen ...)◆1076
38. there be + 過去分詞 + 主語(there was bestowed upon ... a touch of genius と a touch of genius was bestowed upon ...◆1077
39. This is Betty speaking.(speaking の用法)◆1078
40. Subject or Complement (Who [What] is A? でどれが主語か)◆1079
41. 文の分析(He is speaking English. の述語動詞は is だけか)◆1079
42. I walked an hour. の文型(この walk は不完全自動詞か)◆1080
43. He married young. (この young は補語か副詞的修飾語か)◆1081
44. become insulting (He became insulting in his language. この文の意味と insulting の品詞と機能)◆1082
45. S + V + O + C の文型(I made him come . / Everyone declared him to be innocent . / I told him to come . / I heard the bells ring . はすべて S + V + O + C の文型に入れるべきか)◆1084
46. I want (for) him to go. (I want to have him go. / I want for him to go. は可能か)◆1085
47. I want you to go. の文型(5文型のどれにはいるか)◆1086
48. 与格動詞;基本文型の順序(与格動詞は完全他動詞の1種か.5文型の順序は一定しているのか)◆1087
49. give it me (この語順は許されるのか,give it to me ではないか)◆1088
50. (to +)間接目的語(1)(The book was given (to ) her. / the book I gave (to ) her)◆1089
51. (to +)間接目的語(2)(関係代名詞が間接目的語の場合)◆1091
52. (to +)間接目的語(3)(主語 + 与格動詞 + to + 間接目的語 + 直接目的語は可能か)◆1092
53. 動詞文型の下位区分(He pushed the door open. と He found the box empty. で push と find は異なる動詞型か)◆1093
54. do what you think is right (is の主語は何か.is は省略可能か)◆1094
55. tear open ... (tear open the papers の文法的説明)◆1095
56. She will make (him) a good wife. (him の有無で意味が異なるか)◆1095
57. Light (me) a torch. (me の有無で意味が異なるか.この文の分析)◆1097
58. I take my tea sweet.(sweet は文の要素から言って何か)◆1098
59. He likes his coffee (to be) strong.(to be の有無で意味が変わるか.どちらが普通か)◆1099
60. He is engaged in business.(述語動詞は is か is engaged か)◆1100
61. help each other (each other は文の要素から言って何か)◆1101
62. than is supposed(is の前に主語が省略されているのか.than の品詞は何か)◆1101
63. while walking ... (主語 + be が省略されていると考えてよいか)◆1103
64. 副詞句[節]は何を修飾するか(I am happy to see you . / He is hard to please . / If he is old , he is still active. / He was busy when I called on him . の副詞句節は主節の be 動詞の修飾語か)◆1104
65. (He's thinking of) I don't know what (なぜ I don't know what で名詞相当語句になるのか)◆1105
66. I agree that ... (agree は自動詞か他動詞か)◆1107
67. His father was an Italian, his mother an Irish woman. (この文は being の省略か)◆1108
68. Would you mind ...? の答え(Yes, certainly. か No, not at all. か)◆1109
69. There are ... に続く Tag-question◆1110
70. 感嘆文に続く Tag-question◆1111
71. As with ..., so with ... (この表現を主文に接続するものは何か)◆1111
72 Miserable creature that I am! (It is ... that ... の強意構文の It is が省略されたものか)◆1112
73. Funny thing, the girls are hot for him.(As it is a funny thing, ... とか It is a funny thing ... に解せるか)◆1114
74. propose [suggest] + to つき不定詞(この語法は可能か)◆1115
75. It was the Rabbit returning. (... the returning Rabbit. との違い)◆1116
1. 句・語群・連語・慣用句(これらの術語の異同)◆1118
2. 句の種類(動詞句・接続詞句などはなぜ認められないか)◆1121
3. 形容詞句か副詞句か(The cells for the bees . / It looks like rain / lay on the floor without a word ◆1123
4. 句か否か(What colour is the orange? / Come this way . / see us alternate nights / died ten years ago)◆1125
5. 句の表現の正誤(a child of seven years old か a child seven years old か a child of seven か)◆1127
6. for some time longer(for の目的語は何か)◆1128
7. 句か節か(know how to thank you / better than I love thy neighbour as thyself / so good as to come / "When at Rome , do ...◆1129
8. 主節(Clause の定義)◆1131
9. 主節と従節(scarcely ... when [before] ... / no sooner ... than ... でどちらが主節か)◆1132
10. in that (前置詞の目的語に that -Clause がなる場合)◆1134
11. 分離した位置にある同格節(どんな場合に許されるか)◆1135
12. 同格の that -Clause(この that の構文上の性質)◆1136
13. 同格の that -Clause とそれに先行する名詞(どんな名詞があるか)◆1137
14. 接続詞の導く形容詞節(形容詞節は関係詞が導くとは限らないのか)◆1138
15. 非制限用法の関係詞の導く節(形容詞節か等位節か)◆1139
16. as の導く節(He was a foreigner, as was perceived from his accent / these historical plays, as we now have them, ... などの as-Clause の機能と as の用法)◆1140
17. 強意構文の that -Clause(この that -Clause は何節か)◆1142
18. It is ... that ... (強意構文の It is ... that, It を形式主語とする It was said that などの場合の that -Clause は何節か)◆1143
19. It is ... that ... (強意構文の教授上の扱い方)◆1145
20. that -Clause の種類(I am afraid that ... / I am delighted that ... / the news that ... / I have no doubt that ...◆1146
21. 「時」の副詞節に will(1)( ... must be overcome before they will be able to exert ... は文法上誤りではないか)◆1147
22. 「時」の副詞節に will(2)(made me promise to give ..., before he would open the door は文法上誤りではないか)◆1149
23. by the time ... の節(この中で will, shall が用いられるか)◆1150
24. not ... because(not が否定するもの,2つの場合)◆1151
25. The reason is because ... (誤りか)◆1152
26. as ... の副詞節(He treated her as coldly as he did the others. と He treated her as coldly as did the others. とは同じか)◆1154
27. 副詞節内の省略(When (he was ) a boy, he ... の省略の理由)◆1155
28. than ... の節に欠けた主語(主語を捕う必要がないか)◆1156
29. than ... の節に動詞の要・不要(I am no more mad than you are . の are は必要か)◆1156
30. because による句と節の表現(because ... と because of の相違)◆1158
72. as being the easiest way (「as を意味上の主語とする分詞構文」か「as + 分詞」の構文か)◆1203
73. 語群を形容詞に用いるのは一般的な用法か◆1205
74. (with) the books under her arm の句◆1207
75. such ... that(that の機能,such ... as との相違)◆1209
76. as it happens (as it is との相違,as の機能)◆1210
77. as it were (この由来,とくに as の機能)◆1211
31. 疑問詞の重用(「だれがだれとどこへ行った」式の表現)◆1158
32. What book is this? と What is this book?◆1160
33. What are there. ...? と What is there.◆1161
34. who か whom か(Who [Whom] are you looking for? / Who [Whom] did you meet?)◆1162
35. which と who(Who [Which] is taller, A or B?)◆1164
36. why と what for (まったく同じか)◆1165
37. when と what time◆1165
38. why to 〜 (可能か)◆1166
78. What is he? と Who is he?◆1212
79. 「首府はどこですか」(Where [What] is the capital?)◆1214
39. 関係詞か疑問詞か(He did not know what I wanted. Nobody knows where he is. などの what や where)◆1168
40. 先行詞と関係詞節の位置(先行詞と関係詞節は離れてもよいのか)◆1169
41. 先行詞が目的格・所有格(To us who have friends in America, ... / That dictionary is my mother's who ... などは可能か)◆1170
42. It is ... who ... の先行詞(It is I who am wrong. の who の先行詞)◆1173
43. 二重限定(This is the only butterfly which I have ever seen that uses ... における関係代名詞の用法)◆1174
44. 関係代名詞の次に挿入節(he discovered great quantities of bones, which he saw had belonged to ... で saw の目的語は何か. he saw は何節か)◆1174
45. all there is ... の構文(all that is ... との相違.all (that) there is ... と解するのか)◆1175
46. 関係代名詞(主格)の省略(どのような場合があるか)◆1176
47. 関係副詞の省略(どのような場合があるか)◆1177
48. let who will be clever (この表現の文法的説明)◆1178
49. 関係代名詞 who の格(A man who [whom] I know was my friend spoke next.)◆1179
50. a man (whom) I thought was a lunatic◆1180
51. two of whom か of whom two か◆1181
52. The people who (or that )◆1182
53. The only people who (or that )◆1183
54. the same 〜 who(m)(the same 〜 that との相違)◆1184
55. which = who(人を先行詞にとる which)◆1184
56. the first ... which ... (the first ... that ... との相違)◆1186
57. which の特殊用法(形容詞や動詞を先行詞とする用法)◆1186
58. 関係形容詞 which(whose との相違.He spoke in German, whose language I did not understand. は可能か)◆1188
59. 所有格関係代名詞 of which と語順(a book whose cover is soiled を of which で書きかえるとどうなるか)◆1189
60. the five ships and 270 men which ... (この which は that が正しくないか)◆1191
61. that か who か(It is he that [who] hit me.)◆1192
62. that か which か(any time that [which ] suits you)◆1193
63. Handsome is that handsome does. (この that の用法)◆1193
64. 関係副詞 that (=when のときに限られるのか)◆1195
65. but = that ... not(not a city but has an ample share of them で)◆1196
66. 関係代名詞 as(The “Water American”, as they called Franklin, was ... の as の機能)◆1197
67. the same fountain pen as I lost (the same ... that との相違)◆1199
68. than は関係代名詞か(There is more in this than appears on the surface.)◆1200
69. where の2用法 (=the place where と =at the place where, 前者の where は that (=that which)と同じ機能のものか)◆1200
70. the way how ... は可能か◆1201
71. The sooner ..., the better ... (はじめの The は関係副詞といわれているが先行詞は何か)◆1202
80. 非限定的用法の that(一般的な用法か)◆1214
81. do everything that they can (do) (関係詞節中での述語動詞の形)◆1216
1. 間接話法というものの限界(She thanked me. は “Thank you.”の間接話法と言えるか)◆1218
2. 中間的な話法(Tell me, what is the best time? / The thing is, can we get there in time? これらと描出話法との関連)◆1221
3. 話法を変えるとき副詞などをどう扱うか(時や場所などの副詞)◆1222
4. 重文と話法の転換(“Work hard, or you will fail.” の場合)◆1225
5. 重文の間接話法か(called us to come back at once, or we should be lost)◆1226
6. 重文の間接話法( ... and that ... の that は省略できるのか)◆1227
7. 感嘆文と話法の転換(He said what a disaster it was. も可能か)◆1228
8. 間投詞と間接話法(Alas. / Fine! / Thank God. / Fire! などをどう表わすか)◆1230
9. Let us ... の間接話法◆1231
10. yes, no の間接話法◆1232
11. 話法の転換と伝達動詞(said to を間接話法に用いられないか)◆1234
12. 話法の転換と will, shall(その原則)◆1235
13. 間接話法の中の must(had to との相違)◆1237
14. 話法の転換と語順など(He asked me what was my name . は可能か)◆1238
15. 話法に関連した句読法(I say “Good morning” to my parents. / I say good morning to my parents. など)◆1239
16. ladies and gentlemen (この語順の由来)◆1240
17. 名詞の語順(father and mother / right and duty / black and white などの語順が確立した理由.これらの順を逆にできるか)◆1242
18. day and night (night and day との相違)◆1244
19. the long and the short of ... (逆の語順との相違)◆1245
20. 人称代名詞の語順(me and him / she and you は可能か)◆1245
21. that his ugly nose (可能か,his that ugly nose も可能か)◆1246
22. 3×4=12(Three times four is ... か Four times three is ... か)◆1248
23. 形容詞の位置(a new pair of shoes か a pair of new shoes か)◆1249
24. 形容詞相互の語順(形容詞が並列した場合)◆1251
25. a too bewildering sense (この語順は可能か)◆1253
26. 不定冠詞の後置(so honest a boy の類例)◆1254
27. a rather ..., rather a ...◆1256
28. half a ..., a half ...◆
29. 疑問詞の位置(What did you say was the matter? と Did you say what was the matter?)◆1258
30. never の位置(You never can tell ... か You can never tell ... か∫of never having consulted か of having never consulted か / never to touch ... か to never touch ... か)◆1260
31. hardly の位置(I have hardly time, / I hardly have time. / I have hardly any time. / I hardly have any time.)◆1262
32. 副詞辞の位置(give a thing up か give up a thing か)◆1263
33. 疑問文の語順(be や have が do を必要としないわけ)◆1265
34. 否定文の語順(be や have が do を必要としないわけ)◆1267
35. 感嘆文の語順(How wonderful is the power of love! は可能か)◆1268
36. 疑問節内の語順(V + S の語順が認められるか)◆1269
37. “..., ” he said (or “..., ” said he)◆1270
38. 目的語の位置(I am sending to you some pictures. は可能か)◆1273
39. 補語の位置(動詞 + 目的補語 + 目的語の語順は可能か)◆1273
40. 形容詞句の位置(形容詞句が修飾する名詞の前に来る場合.名詞と分離する場合)◆1276
41. nothing for me to do (nothing to do for me とは言えないか)◆1277
42. 副詞句の位置(Autumn brings with it the harvest time.)◆1278
43. 行為者を示す副詞句の位置(受動態における by ... の位置は文尾とはかぎらないか)◆1279
44. 副詞句の順序(1)(I am going to the station to see him off .)◆1280
45. 副詞句の順序(2)(in Japan at Haneda)◆1281
46. to A from B (from B to A か)◆1282
47. 語順転倒の要不要(「the + 比較級, ... the + 比較級」の構文,than や as の導く比較の対象を表わす節で)◆1284
48. 語順転倒の仕方(主語と述語動詞の転倒の原則)◆1285
80. on and or の語順◆1325
81. then and there の語順◆1326
82. enough の位置(have enough money か have money enough か)◆1326
83. 主語と分離した位置の both(My parents are both healthy.)◆1327
84. 同格(my sister Emily の訳し方)◆1328
85. set free + O と set + O + free◆1329
86. Hadn't we better ...?◆1330
49. 否定文(little, few, seldom, scarcely, hardly を用いた文は否定文か. He lacks ... /, He is the last man to 〜. / He is always neglectful of ... は否定文か.否定語があっても意味上肯定であれば肯定文か)◆1288
50. unless; before, than (before, than も unless 同様「否定的接続詞」と言えないか)◆1290
51. 二重否定(1)(He never meant no harm. =He never meant no harm.)◆1290
52. 二重否定(2)(Nobody could not understand it. =Nobody could understand it.)◆1292
53. not only ... の節に否定(Not only does he not work hard, but ... は可能か)◆1293
54. 部分否定(all ... not は「全面否定」のこともあるか)◆1294
55. not は不要か(I wondered whether he should? not be sent for at once. / How often have I not heard it ...? / ... told him honestly what I do not know about ...)◆1296
56. he knew not what (what he did not know との違い.know と同類の動詞)◆1297
57. Anybody could not solve the problem. (これは誤りか)◆1299
58. I don't think ... と I think ... not◆1300
59. not as ... as(not so ... as との相違)◆1302
60. no more than, not more than, no more ... than◆1304
61. not A or B ; not A and B ; etc.(not A nor B, no A and no B)◆1306
62. not ... already(not ... yet との相違,already を否定文で用いるか)◆1307
63. 否定文に too または also(これは可能か)◆1309
64. 否定文に as well (これは可能か)◆1310
65. little dreamt, never dreamt (little = not at all ならば,never との相違は何か)◆1311
66. not ... as (or like)(as や like は「と違って」と訳してよいか)◆1312
67. as ... の節に否定語(この場合の as ... の意味)◆1313
68. 否定語の及ぶ範囲(not A and B の not は A, B を否定するのか)◆1314
69. 語否定・文否定(He said not a word about ... と He didn't say a word about ... なぜ一方が語否定で,一方が文否定か)◆1314
70. not の位置(He is not happy on account of ..., but on account of ... と He is happy not on account of ..., but on account of ... とではどちらが論理的か)◆1316
71. not any, no (I have not made any plans か I have made no plans か)◆1317
72. have not a ..., have no◆1318
73. but that (not so ... but that ...の意味)◆1319
74. yes or no (I think I'll write the letter this evening. −− No [Yes] , you had better write it right now.)◆1320
75. in order not to ... (so as not to ... との相違)◆1320
76. almost + 否定語(誤りか,scarcely any ... とすべきか)◆1321
77. Rhetorical question(修辞疑問)(「Who knows where he is? を否定文にせよ」とはどういうことか)◆1321
78. am not の縮約形(amn't, ain't, aren't, a'n't どれがよいか)◆1322
79. 否定語 + except for ... (可能か)◆1323
87. Be not lazy! (Don't be lazy! との相違)◆1331
88. cannot [never] ... without 〜ing(両者の相違)◆1332
89. Not one of the dogs barked.(One of the dogs did not bark. との相違)◆
90. be going to 〜 の否定◆1334
1. I はなぜいつも大文字か◆1335
2. 活字のローマン,イタリック,ゴシックの由来と用途◆1336
3. 印刷体の文字の筆順◆1338
4. F の大文字の印刷体と筆記体◆1339
5. T と F の筆記体の筆順◆1341
6. What は筆記体でどう書くか◆1342
7. t の横棒と i の点(筆順)◆1344
8. MacArthur の筆記体◆1345
9. AE の名称と書き方◆1346
10. & の名称と書き方◆1347
11. Bronteの e の上の2つの点(何を表わすか.その名称)◆1348
12. * § → などの名称と複数形◆1349
13. + − × ÷ の複数形◆1351
14. 数式などの読み方◆1352
15. a2−b2=(a+b)(a−b)の読み方◆1353
16. v.t. と v.i.(なぜ t.v., i.v. ではないか)◆1354
17. ibid., op. cit., loc. cit. (これらの用法)◆1354
18. hundred の次の and(省略するのは誤りか)◆1356
19. 大きな数字の読み方(3,000,000,000,000,000など)◆1357
20. 「百何 + メートル」の英訳◆1358
21. 年号の読み方(951, 1900, 1902, 902, '61など)◆1359
22. 誕生・死亡の年号の読み方 ((1803-82), (1926−), (469?−399BC)など)◆1360
23. 番地 2500 の読み方◆1361
24. 番地 286-290 の読み方と意味◆1362
25. New York 3 の読み方と意味◆1363
26. World War II の読み方◆1364
27. Henry VIII の読み方◆1365
28. the 3A Class の読み方◆1366
29. five minutes to three (o'clock)(なぜ o'clock を省くか)◆1367
30. five minutes of ten (これはアメリカでは一般的か)◆1367
31. 秒の表わし方(「何時何分何秒」の言い方」)◆1367
32. 10 minutes after the hour of 6 o'clock (after と hour の用法)◆1368
33. 書物の序文などのぺージ番号(i, ii, iii の読み方.この部分はページ数にはいるか)◆1369
34. (1),(2),(3)などの読み方◆1370
35. “What is it?” が “What is it”? か◆1370
36. 引用符とコンマ,ピリオドの関係位置◆1372
37. O と oh の相違◆1373
38. 2つの形容詞の間のコンマ(a strange rad thing か a strange, red thing か)◆1374
39. A, B and C か A, B, and C か◆1376
40. 等位節の間のコンマ◆1378
41. 文の一部の省略の記号(...の用法)◆1379
42. xmas か X'mas か◆1379
43. Mr.− などの読み方◆1380
44. 表題における大文字の使用(また表題では For Whom the Bell Tolls のように疑問文でも普通と異なった語順になるのか)◆1381
45. 洋書の背文字(上からか,下からか)◆1383
46. 行下げ(行の引込め方の規則)◆1384
47. 引用文の書き方(引用文は改行か,引用文に明らかな誤りのあった場合)1385
48. Christian name の性別◆1386
49. Christian name の数(2つも3つもあるわけ)◆1387
50. Christian name の略字(2つ以上あるとき,最初のを略字にできるか)◆1389
51. Mr Yamada (Mr にピリオドがなくてもよいか)◆1389
52. Mrs. Tsuneo Iijima (夫の名前に Mrs. をつけるとは)◆1390
53. Mr. Keisuke ; Mrs. Otsuru(Mr. や Mrs. は姓の前でなくともよいのか)◆1391
54. Mr. Morris ; Mis' Martha (Mr. を名の前につけるか.既婚婦人に Mis' をつけるわけ)◆1392
55. How is your Mrs.? (Mrs. を単独に用いるか)◆1393
56. 女の先生に対する敬称◆1394
57. I am Miss Bell.(自分の名前に Miss をつけるか)◆1395
58. the Misses Martin か the Miss Martins か◆1396
59. 人の姓と名の順序(名・姓の順になった由来)◆1397
60. 日付の書き方と読み方◆1399
61. 日付と曜日の順序◆1399
62. fine weather と fair weather◆1400
63. 団体で出す手紙の責任者(明記するのが習慣か,どう記すか)◆1401
64. 「○○学校長殿」の英訳◆1402
65. 英語の賞状の書き方◆1403
66. realise か realize か◆1404
67. un- か um- か◆1404
68. -er か -or か◆1405
69. someone か some one か◆1406
70. 子音字を重ねる場合(あの規則は音によるのか文字によるのか)◆1408
71. 語尾の y と i の交代(この由来)◆1409
72. no longer と no more◆1410
73. twice と two times◆1411
74. of the same age と of an age◆1412
75. between you and me と between ourselves◆1412
76. by the fireside (at the fireside, by the fireplace のほうが論理的ではないか)◆1413
77. ten to one (なぜ「十中八九」の意味になるか)◆1414
78. for anything I know (この句の意味)◆1415
79. and what not (なぜ「...など」の意味になるか)◆1415
80. weather permitting (きまり文句か.onlookers notwithstanding の場合も同じか)◆1416
81. so-called(「軽侮」の意味があるか)◆1417
82. used to (「過去の習慣」を表わすのか「過去の事実」を表わすのか)◆1418
83. our country か this country か(「わが国」の訳)◆1419
84. 「なん番目」に相当する英語◆1419
85. Here you are.(「ほら,ありました」「さあ,どうぞ」という意味になった由来)◆1420
86. Never mind. (前に省略されているのは I か You か)◆1421
87. Where does he come from? (なぜ現在形を用いるか)◆1422
88. Who are you? (What is your name? との相違)◆1422
89. Have you the time on you? (この問いの文の Speech level は)◆1423
90. You are welcome, (「よくおいでくださいました」の意味になるか)◆1423
91. 「日本が試合に勝った」の英訳◆1424
92. 「先日は失礼しました」の英訳◆1424
93. 「どうもありがとう」の英訳◆1425
94. 「クリスマスおめでとう」(Merry Christmas は当日かぎりしか用いないのか)◆1425
95. It is an ill wind that blows nobody good. (矛盾していないか)◆1426
96. It is a long lane that has no turning.(矛盾していないか)◆1427
97. Do as the Romans do. (「郷に入っては郷に従え」にあたる英語の諺にいろいろ言い方があるがどれが正しいか)◆1427
98. Even Homer sometimes nods.(この意味)◆1427
99. Politeness is benevolence.(この意味)◆1428
100. In for a penny, in for a pound. (この意味)◆1428
101. this, that, it の訳語◆1429
102. 英語による問答の指導(その際答えは Yes. / Yes, I do. / Yes, I like apples. のどれを言わせるのがよいか)◆1430
103. 綴字を覚えさせる方法◆1432
104. 英文訂正の方法(生徒にもっともわかりやすい,普通の方法は)◆1433
105. 英詩 scansion の指導(高校生への教え方)◆1435
106. 英文法の指導(中学生にどの程度,どのようにしてやるべきか)◆1436
107. Oral Method と Oral Approach◆1438
108. Graded Direct Method◆1439
109. プログラム学習法(英語学習に適用すればどのような方法があるか)◆1441
110. 英文法の研究書◆1443
111. 発音の研究書◆1444
112. イディオムの研究書◆1445
113. シノニムの辞典◆1446
114. 英詩韻律法の参考書◆1446
115. 英米の古典双書◆1447
116. ことわざ集◆1448
117. 寸法の表示(2×3×4)◆1449
118. I wonder ...? (疑問符について)◆1450
119. because ... の節の前でコンマの有無◆1451
120. the Osaka train◆1452
121. like so many bees◆1452
122. 座右に備えるべき「辞典」と「事典」◆1454
1. ギリシア・ローマの神々◆1457
2. Apollo◆1458
3. Cupid, Eros◆1459
4. Venus◆1459
5. Jupiter, Zeus◆
6. Kercules◆1461
7. Perseus◆1462
8. Achilles' heel◆1463
9. Mars◆1463
10. Neptune◆1464
11. Hyacinth, Narcissus◆1464
12. Diana, moon◆1465
13. 白鳥伝説◆1465
14. アーサー王伝説◆1466
15. ベイオウルフの伝説◆1467
16. ロビン・フッド物語◆1467
17. 魔法使い◆1468
18. nymph◆1469
19. fairy◆1469
20. 小人◆1470
21. 巨人◆1470
22. 東西で類似した物語◆1471
23. Antony and Cleopatra◆1472
24. 身体各部の名称◆1473
25. blond(e), brunette◆1475
26. 指の名称◆1475
27. 皮膚の色◆1476
28. 鼻の形の名◆1477
29. 8頭身◆1477
30. かつら◆1478
31. beard(ひげ)の種類◆1479
32. 聖ヴァレンタイン祭◆1480
33. May Day◆1480
34. Independence Day◆1481
35. Thanksgiving Day◆1482
36. 4月馬鹿(April Fool)◆1482
37. 誕生日◆1483
38. 復活祭◆1483
39. Arbor Day◆1484
40. Labor Day◆1484
41. college と university◆1484
42. Christ's Hospital が学校とは◆1485
43. student と pupil◆1486
44. public school◆1487
45. 受験予備校◆1488
46. 受験参考書◆1489
47. 虎の巻◆1490
48. 学級(form, class, grade)◆1490
49. カンニング◆1491
50. 博士号◆1492
51. 生徒への呼びかけ◆1492
52. 学校の食事◆1493
53. 「下敷き」の英語◆1494
54. 学校における懲罰◆1494
55. 食事における don'ts◆1495
56. cider とサイダー◆1495
57. スープの扱い方◆1496
58. ホットドッグ◆1497
59. ハンバーガー◆1498
60. デザート◆1499
61. ナプキン◆1499
62. パイ,プディング◆1500
63. cake, sweets, cooky, biscuit, cracker◆1501
64. 食堂車は restaurant car か diner か◆1501
65. 駅弁◆1502
66. カレーライスかライスカレーか◆1502
67. 卵を使った料理の名◆1503
68. ホットケーキ◆1503
69. パンの種類◆1504
70. コーヒーとティー◆1504
71. コカコーラ◆1505
72. plate と dish◆1506
73. orange juice◆1506
74. finger bowl◆1507
75. フォークの使い方◆1507
76. cafeteria, cafe,restaurant, cabaret◆1507
77. キリスト教の宗派と僧侶の呼び名◆1508
78. St. James's Palace の由来◆1510
79. クリスマス◆1510
80. 日曜日と教会◆1511
81. church, temple, shrine, etc◆1512
82. 宗教と学校◆1513
83. 西暦紀元◆1513
84. 月の名の起こり◆1513
85. morning, afternoon, evening, night◆1514
86. 曜日の名の起こり◆1515
87. 新年◆1515
88. (日本と)英米と反対の風習◆1516
89. 温泉◆1517
90. 裸体◆1518
91. 決闘◆1519
92. 屋台店◆1520
93. 家屋構造と日常語◆1521
94. トイレに関する語◆1522
95. W.C.◆1522
96. スリッパ◆1523
97. ちり紙◆1523
98. 印鑑と署名◆1524
99. 英米の通貨◆1524
100. ギニー◆1527
101. dollar の語源◆1527
102. うらない◆1528
103. さいふ◆1528
104. trunk, suitcase◆1529
105. home, house◆1529
106. 握手◆1530
107. 口づけ◆1530
108. 名刺◆1531
109. drive-in theater◆1531
110. 小切手◆1532
111. 子供の雑誌・遊戯◆1533
112. 子供のしつけ方◆1533
113. 異性との交際◆1534
114. dog◆
115. cat◆535
116. fox◆1536
117. horse◆1537
118. cow◆1537
119. sheep◆1538
120. rabbit と hare◆1538
121. 動物のなき声◆1538
122. 動物の肉◆1539
123. forest と wood(s)◆1539
124. cicada(せみ)◆1540
125. すずめ◆1540
126. cuckoo◆1541
127. cherry blossom◆1542
128. ほたる◆1542
129. moon◆1543
130. Indian summer とは◆1544
131. hill, mountain◆1544
132. lake か pond か◆
133. 国花◆1545
134. Yankee の語源◆1546
135. John Bull の語源◆1546
139. America という名の起こり◆1547
137. 星条旗の由来◆1548
138. イギリスの国旗 Union Jack の名称の由来◆1548
139. アメリカの紋章◆1549
140. イギリスの紋章◆1550
141. Britain, Great Britain, etc, (それらの用法)◆1550
142. 人種差別◆1551
143. 人種の見分け方◆1552
144. インディアン◆1553
145. 英国人とスコットランド人◆1553
146. スコットランド人とアイルランド人◆1554
147. 「合衆国」か「合州国」か◆1555
148. 貴族などの敬称◆1556
149. 黒人◆1557
150. アメリカの階級◆1557
151. イギリスの階級◆1558
152. hunting と shooting◆1559
153. クリケット◆1560
154. フットボール◆1562
155. 野球◆1564
156. チェス◆1567
157. 釣り◆1567
158. 競馬◆1568
159. トランプ◆1569
160. politician と statesman(どう違うか)◆1570
161. liberty と freedom(どう違うか)◆1571
162. Scotland Yard (なぜロンドン警視庁の意味か)◆1571
163. Congress, Capitol(その由来.日米の国会議員の比較)◆1572
164. Parliament◆1572
165. 日本の国会を Diet と呼ぶわけ◆1573
166. Washington, D.C.(D.C. は必要か)◆1573
167. N. Y.(ニューヨーク市をこう略してよいか)◆1574
168. 色彩の英語◆1574
169. 擬音の英語◆1576
170. 擬声語◆1577
171. 悔べつ的な「...人」の表現◆1578
172. 禁じられている語句◆1578
173. 英会話における don'ts◆
174. maid と servant◆1580
175. Hello! Hi! (どう違うか)◆1580
176. Mrs. と Miss(なぜ女性だけを区別するのか)◆1581
177. brother, sister(どんなときに elder を使うか)◆1582
178. good-by(good の意味)◆1582
179. 「ただいま」の英語◆1583
180. 「いただきます」の英語◆1583
181. 愛称について◆1584
182. MacDonald の Mac◆1585
183. 姓について(起源)◆1585
184. Pig Latin とは◆1587
185. イソップ物語に由来する句◆1587
186. モーニング◆1588
187. 背広◆1589
188. ズボン◆1589
189. 制服◆1589
190. 帽子◆1590
191. キルト◆1591
192. ジャケツ◆15921
193. こうもり傘◆1592
194. 寝台車(sleeping car か Pullman car か)◆1593
195. 列車の等級(あるか)◆1594
196. バス◆1595
197. automobile, motorcar(用法上の相違)◆1596
198. 自家用車◆1596
199. 自動車の種類◆1597
200. 有料道路◆1598
201. 歩道,車道◆1598
202. way, road, street の区別◆1599
202. 番地◆1599
204. square, circus◆
205. ダイヤル M をまわせ(電話は数字だけではないのか)◆1600
206. first noor, second noor(用法上の相違.1階は何というのか)◆1601
207. garret と attic◆1601
208. yard, court, garden◆1602
209. porch◆1602
210. アパート◆1602
211. gable◆1604
212. living-room, sitting-room, drawing-room, parlor, etc.◆1604
213. 郵便箱◆1604
214. fence, railing, hedge, wall, etc.◆1605
215. knocker◆1605
216. bathroom(なぜお手洗いの意味になるのか)◆1606
217. Big Ben(由来)◆1606
218. hall◆1606
219. 下宿屋◆1607
220. 冷暖房◆1607
221. Adam's apple◆1608
222. serpent, snake◆1609
223. dove, pigeon◆1609
224. stray sheep, scapegoat◆1610
225. Passover◆1611
226. 割礼◆1611
227. 洗礼◆1612
228. 三位一体◆1613
229. 処女懐胎◆1613
230. 第七天(the Seventh Heaven)◆1614
231. 聖書に由来する人名◆1614
232. 聖書に由来する有名な語句◆1615
233. 旧約聖書と新約聖書◆1615
234. キリスト教とユダヤ教◆1616
235. 女形(おやま)◆1616
236. 舞台監督,演出者◆1617
237. 舞台装置◆1617
238. 観客席◆1619
239. 演劇用語◆1620
240. 封切り映画◆1621