
1. 名詞的語句の語義(5件6項目)◆1
2. his welcome company◆2
3. dress◆3
4. goosepenny◆3
5. hand-conscience / piece of life◆3
6. life, matter の意味◆5
7. our line / our trade ; promising/likely ◆7
8. position or  situation◆8
9. What a doctor wants is practice .◆8
10. I shall be churned into a pummy !◆9
11. reward◆10
12. television◆11
13. start a textbook は正用法か◆12
14. base line◆12
15. block tin◆12
16. double room◆13
17. in a law firm  partnership◆13
18. the coldness (or cold ) of winter◆14
19. I trudged home in the darkness (or dark )◆15
20. other kinds of animal (or animals )◆15
21. Do you like candy (a candy , or candies )?◆16
22. cigarettes◆16
23. catch two fish (or fishes )◆16
24. How many fishes ...? / a lot of fishes ◆17
25. I have no friend (or friends )◆18
26. A tree is known by its fruit .◆18
27. Would you like some fruits ? は正用法か◆19
28. I like to ride a horse (or horses ).◆20
29. Say the hour  first. Say the minutes  next.◆20
30. ... Readers◆22
31. grapefruit [C] か [U] か◆22
32. My father's  rescue came in good time. (主語的か目的語的か)◆23
33. Keller's  dogs / the Keller  dogs◆24
34. a summer('s)  day◆25
35. 百貨店名の英語表現◆26
36. 複数を統合するか否か◆27
37. Ten years is (or are ) said to have passed since the death of the boss.◆28
38. an  estimated 1,000 guerrillas◆29
39. 配分単数◆30
40. Chicago (Police) thinks (or think )◆31
41. The audience was  moved to tears. は正用法か◆32
42. clothes の数◆34
43. 集合名詞の呼応 (1)◆34
44. 集合名詞の呼応 (2)◆36
45. All the crowd is (or are ) waiting to see the Prince.◆37
46. scissors◆38
47. The cirrus are  the highest of the common clouds seen every day.◆39
48. 数の牽引◆40
49. one-half of the population is (or are ) Negroes.◆41
50. one percent of the population is (or are ) college students.◆41
51. 「... percent of + 名詞」の主部の呼応◆42
52. two cups of tea の呼応◆43
53. 「単数名詞 + of + 複数名詞」の主部の呼応◆43
54. 「なん種類の...がありますか」の英訳◆45
55. Few people want to be a farmer (or farmers ).◆46

56. she は何を受けるか◆47
57. I (or We ) could get lunch for three shillings each .◆47
58. they は何を受けるか◆48
59. 一般の人を意味する you と one◆49
60. Planning their  trip to Europe pleased the boys very much.◆50
61. He made him hop down ... to keep his  footing.◆52
62. careless about (his ) dress◆53
63. the top of the mountain , its  top ; the baby's  face, its  face◆54
64. 母親が子供に向かっで “Where's your  father?” と言うか◆56
65. My father regarded me as his  son.◆56
66. them は何をさすか◆56
67. It was he (or him ) that I gave the book.◆57
68. I'd sooner you  stay down here and die in peace.◆64
69. prevent her  coming (所有格か目的格か)◆64
70. It  was fine. (何をさすか)◆65
71. It  was (in) sultry summer weather.◆65
72. it は何をさすか◆66
73. it のさすもの◆67
74. It  had taken thirty-eight days to get through. (先行の場所をさすか)◆67
75. It  is easy to understand that it attracted people.◆68
76. It was Mr. Colvin who lived a few doors from his home. は強意構文か◆68
77. whether it  be a little child or an aged man◆69
78. As I heard it , I sang rather well.◆70
79. this は何をさすか◆72
80. that は何をさすか◆72
81. Japanese climate is like Chinese that . は可能か◆75
82. 代名詞 one(s)◆76
83. one ... the other は「前者」,「後者」か◆77
84. the one か that か◆78
85. first one は先行の複数名詞をさすか◆79
86. I asked her whether there were any (or some )◆81
87. someone or  anyone◆81
88. neither you nor I の主部の呼応◆82

1. a  ain◆86
2. a α100 cats◆86
3. (a ) thunderous applause◆82
4. a  disappointed Miyazawa◆88
5. a + 名詞 + and + (a +) 名詞◆89
6. part of ... と a part of◆90
7. more (a) politician than (a) soldier◆91
8. a  letter (which) he sent to me◆93
9. the (or a ) fact that ...◆94
10. He is an  Edison of Japan. は誤りか◆96
11. not as a possibility but as the  possibility◆97
12. play (on) a  piano◆99
13. play (the ) piano◆100
14. go to (the ) office◆101
15. 定冠詞の有無◆101
16. (the) zip code(s)◆102
17. The  fair weather disposed him to go out. (冠詞は不要か)◆103
18. from the station to school は可能か◆104
19. I was pulled by the (or my ) arm.◆104
20. 補語の無冠詞◆106
21. Zeus, (the ) king of the gods◆106
22. man, woman と冠詞◆107
23. turn (to the) right◆109
24. look to right and left ◆109
25. reach shelter (無冠詞でよいか)◆110
26. Please send receipt (a receipt , the receipt , receipts , or the receipts  by return.◆111

27. not nearly so ... as / not nearly as ... as◆112
28. 過去分詞の形容詞化とその基準◆114
29. be (very) much interested / be very interested◆115
30. affectte.◆119
31. The answer was angry .◆120
32. be anxious ...◆120
33. be anxious that ...◆121
34. He is capable of being taught . は可能か◆124
35. cool  seasons◆125
36. Yokohama is cheap . は可能か◆125
37. The school is distant  from the station. は正しいか◆126
38. The school is distant  from the station.◆127
39. ex -president / former  president◆128
40. His nose is high . とは言えないか◆129
41. He is (a) Japanese.◆132
42. I am Japanese . における“Japanese”は何を示すか◆132
43. slight◆134
44. lobsters' claws and other alien and sophisticated debris の sophisticated◆135
45. containing whole  chapters◆136
46. worth の語法◆137
47. genially frank −− equally genial and equally frank◆138
48. his parents' laughing, good-natured untidiness◆139
49. so tall by two or three inches◆140
50. 形容詞 + 不定詞◆140
51. easy to understand◆141
52. seem difficult◆144
53. He is taller than six feet.◆145
54. Is New York larger  than Tokyo?◆146
55. one taller と many that tall の修飾関係◆146
56. the most logical of men = the most logical man か◆147
57. the most varying sorts◆148
58. 最上級と限定節◆149
59. a lot of の語法◆151
60. Every [Each ] day is a new day.◆152
61. each の所有格は?◆153
62. quite a few はどうして (=many) か◆153
63. speak a little  English / speak English a little ◆154
64. little の叙述的用法◆154
65. It could carry more than one man (or many men ).◆154
66. Some (or A ) boy made a speech.◆155
67. I you eat some cake, I'll whip you. がどうして性的倒錯者に言うような言い方か◆155
68. unless -Clause の中の some と any◆156
69. These horses can run faster than any other horses. / Movies are more entertaining than any books. は誤りか◆160
70. any に続く名詞の数(肯定文の場合)◆161
71. they don't have (any) nurses◆162
72. than any (other) woman◆164
73. 比較構文における other の有無◆165
74. as ... as any (other)◆167

75. 副詞の位置◆171
76. I was told to go quickly  to school.◆173
77. still の位置◆174
78. How about afterwards ? / What are you going to give him for afterwards ?◆175
79. It had happened many years ago .◆175
80. 「過去完了時制 + ... ago」◆176
81. The busy doctor spoke to Sue alone  in the hall.◆177
82. if 節中にある already◆178
83. better (or more ) able (1)◆179
84. better (or more ) able (2)◆180
85. ever or  once◆181
86. after  two days / two days later ◆182
87. nearly (or almost ) drowned◆183
88. playfully の意味◆185
89. prefer to die (rather) than to live◆186
90. They prefer to be praised (rather ) than criticized.◆186
91. the specifically  Catholic and Protestant ideas◆187
92. The weather is surely  to be wet this afternoon. は可能か◆190
93. drop around ◆190
94. right now / right away (1)◆191
95. right now / right away (2)◆191
96. burn down / burn up ◆192
97. however (hard ) he may try to◆194
98. 前方照応の there と存在文の there◆195
99. too much  crowded◆197
100. I am very  interested in the students' political activities◆199
101. ‘nearer [nearest] (to ) + N’の to の有無◆199
102. the + 副詞の最上級◆200
103. but especially I was surprised very much last night の訂正◆201

1. 不定詞・動名詞を目的語とする動詞の分類◆202
2. ask A of B の構文◆204
3. 「...になる」の英訳◆205
4. bode  ill [well](自動詞か他動詞か)◆205
5. choose / select◆206
6. 「(私の手荷物はどこで)受け取る(のですか)」の英語◆207
7. 動詞 convict(と convince)◆207
8. be crashed (or crushed )◆207
9. cross  the road to Westminster Abbey◆208
10. determine / decide / decide on / fix / settle◆209
11. die / be killed◆210
12. disdain◆210
13. do  the flowers ◆211
14. facilitate は人を主語に用いないか◆212
15. forget / leave◆213
16. The letter got to  me. は非文法的か◆214
17. have / eat◆215
18. help me with my French / help my French◆216
19. hit / land on◆216
20. imagine for という連語はあるか◆217
21. I insisted  that he should go (would go, go, or  goes) there.◆217
22. I insisted  that he should (or  would) be there.◆218
23. keep on  doing / keep  doing◆218
24. kill / murder◆219
25. an old clock which doesn't more (正用法か)◆220
26. The watch needs  fixing (repairing, or mending). / The watch wants  fixing (repairing, or mending).◆220
27. provide / supply / furnish◆221
28. supply / furnish / provide / prepare / present◆223
29. He is so tall that he can reach (to ) the apples.◆225
30. reach / arrive at / get to◆225
31. The boat was large enough to receive  ten men.(正用法か)◆226
32. The school building is too small to receive  all the students.◆226
33. There remains  two apples. / There are two apples remaining (or left )◆227
34. remind ... of ... / make ... remember.◆228
35. rob the honey は正しいか◆228
36. seize a person's arm = seize a person by the arm か◆229
37. Her appearance set  the people to  staring at her. (正しいか)◆230
38. sidle◆230
39. sound (like) an exaggeration◆231
40. spend◆231
41. How many days will it take for  the letter to get  to San Francisco?◆233
42. The tunnel takes five minutes to go through. / It takes five minutes to go through the tunnel.◆234
43. take(「要する」)の語法◆234
44. How did the accident take place ?◆237
45. An accident happened . とは言わないか◆238
46. 「火事が起こった」に当たる英語◆240
47. 「地震が起こる」に当たる英語◆240
48. 「中東に戦争が起こった」の英訳◆242
49. take (or make ) a trip◆243
50. use  sugar in one's tea / put  sugar in (or  into) one's tea / have  sugar in one's tea◆246
51. wade (across) the stream◆246
52. The river is dangerous to swim (or swim in ).◆246
53. I walk  this street every day.(正しいか)◆246
54. wound / injure (or  injury)◆247
55. He worked on fifty-nine kittens, divided  into three groups.(過去形か過去分詞形か)◆250
56. He started his life as a little egg hatched  far up in the river.(過去形か過去分詞形か)◆250
57. call up◆251
58. the water had come down (1)◆252
59. the water had come down (2)◆253
60. get off の反対◆257
61. hammer down  the nail◆257
62. have ... on / have on ...◆258
63. If you don't hurry (up ), you ...◆260
64. meet (with )◆264
65. put on his shoes の両義性◆265
66. respondthat -Clause は可能か◆266
67. see  the teacher's trying to say something◆266
68. “seethat -Clause” の see の意味◆268
69. worry + that -Clause◆269
70. have  n't anything said ◆269
71. He has to be  for five more minutes. は可能か◆271
72. 連結詞の is が先行するとき,進行形の is は省略できるか◆271
73. I decided to go before somebody else did .(何に代わるか)◆273
74. You need not  do that. / You don't need  to do that.◆274

75. could◆276
76. can / feel inclined to◆278
77. did か didn't か◆280
78. 「...する必要はなかったのに...した」の英訳に didn't have to 〜は可能か◆280
79. had better 〜 の過去◆282
80. I must  be laughing. の意味◆283
81. It must. / It must be.◆284
82. you shall 〜◆286
83. You shall  have this book.→= I will ...◆287
84. When shall he  come next?→= When shall  I ...◆287
85. They should (or ought to ) have studied English.◆287
86. not ... so respectable as I should  have expected◆288
87. should の意味 (1)◆289
88. should の意味 (2)◆290
89. Will you ...?が依頼を表す決め手は何か◆291
90. Won't you ...?◆293
91. will / shall◆294
92. 推量を表す will, would◆295
93. would の用法◆298
94. All the Phoenicians would  say was that the tin came from a place “near the ends of the earth.”◆298
95. he would have  thought / he had  thought◆299
96. if ... would (or might ) have done◆300
97. used to, would の否定形◆301

98. The more you read (or will read ), the more you will develop ...◆304
99. be going to 〜◆305
100. nowadays と時制◆307
101. How stupid he is! / He did such a thing. の結合◆308
102. As ( ) ( ) tired out with running about, I have sat down. を埋めるのは I am か I was か◆309
103. now that ... + 過去時制◆311
104. before we would see  the enemy◆312
105. before he came (should come , or would come)◆314
106. Somebody has stolen my watch.→ I ... の書き換え◆315
107. They are (or have been ) increasing at the rate of ten thousand a month.◆315
108. have gone / have been◆316
109. 継続か経験か◆316
110. 「現在完了 + after ...」は可能か◆318
111. I have never been so ill that ... の後方の時制◆319
112. 「...見たことはなかった」は現在完了か過去時制か◆320
113. He went (or has been ) to the station to meet his aunt.◆321
114. he met a number of people, but none whom he knew (or had known )◆322
115. That he had done  it is  true. は可能か◆324
116. had hoped  to see you◆324
117. be + being + 形容詞◆325
118. He is teaching  everyday. (可能か)◆326
119. 「私が起きたとき彼はいつも勉強しています」の英訳◆327
120. We are living (or live ) in a machine age.◆327
121. Jack has been wanting (or   has wanted) a new camera since last month.◆328
122. have kept (or have been keeping ) this squirrel◆329
123. 時制の一致の有無 (1)◆330
124. 時制の一致の有無 (2)◆332
125. 時制の一致の有無 (3)◆333

126. Whatever they may say, it is true. を命令形を用いて書き換えると◆335
127. 判断の should◆336
128. that 節(目的語)内の法◆337
129. It was a delicate game, should  legal maneuvering shade off into straight-out obstructionism.◆338
130. as if の後の時制形 (1)◆338
131. as if の後の時制形 (2)◆339
132. He wished he were  a bird ... just then. は正しいか◆341
133. 仮定法か直説法か◆343
134. It's high time I were  going. は可能か◆344
135. Would rather  I put him outside◆345

136. 態の変換とその例文◆346
137. Do it right now. の受動態◆347
138. Did nobody ever teach you how to behave? の受動態◆347
139. 「足を折る」に当たる英語◆348
140. I was given this hat.◆349
141. They were seated .=They sat down . か◆350
142. too long to read (or   to be read)◆351
143. Everyone is agreed  on one thing. は受動態か◆353

1. help to do / help do ◆355
2. “wh-(O) + did you see [make, let, have]”に続く不定詞は to を伴うか◆357
3. come (get, or  prove) に続く不定詞の用法◆357
4. seem に続く不定詞は何用法か◆361
5. 何に代わる代不定詞か◆362
6. Perfect infinitive の語法◆362
7. How nice of you to (have ) come !◆363
8. It is for ... to do の構文◆366
9. anything to write / anything to write with ◆367
10. anything to write / anything to write with / anything to write of ◆368
11. any excuse to waste  his time◆368
12. the privilege to do と言えるか◆369
13. one long struggle not to be laughed at ◆370
14. Tokyo is the most expensive place to live (in) .◆371
15. when your turn comes to die ◆373
16. world-wide interests to be dealt with  successfully only on world-wide lines◆375
17. 形容詞的用法か副詞的用法か◆375
18. This book is too long to be read (or to read ) in an hour.◆377
19. (it's) hard to carry (it ) out◆377
20. It's easy to please him.→He ... の書き換え◆377
21. too many cakes for him to eat (all of them )◆378
22. The stone is light enough for anyone to lift (it ).◆378
23. any would come close enough to take pictures of ◆380
24. 不定詞 not to 〜 の用法 (1)◆380
25. 不定詞 not to 〜 の用法 (2)◆381
26. (so as or  in order) not to 〜◆383
27. I am sure  to have posted the letter. と言えるか◆383
28. I'm glad to help them . などが使われる場面◆384
29. ... enough to be able  to 〜◆386
30. for ... to 〜 に副詞的用法はないか◆387

31. it is ... to 〜 (or 〜ing )◆389
32. contribute to 〜 (or 〜ing )◆392
33. mean to fire (or firing )◆393
34. go on to 〜 (or 〜ing )◆393
35. could not help (or  stop) laughing / could not help (or  choose) but laugh / could not but laugh ◆394
36. forbid a person froming は可能か◆396
37. There is good hope for him to win . と言えるか◆397
38. dislike to do とは言えないか◆398

39. I don't mind their laughing (or having laughed ) at me.◆400
40. I wasn't worth bothering with .◆403
41. Thank you for your 〜ing は誤りか◆404
42. that  knowing the one side as well as the other◆407
43. be stopped working  by the crew◆408
44. There it was ... a picture writing  on the sun.◆409

45. kidnapp  ing か kidnap  ing か◆410
46. Some frogs were missing  a finger or a toe.◆412
47. Harcourt had to move slowly behind her getting  closer to his father all the time.(getting の意味上の主語)◆413
48. folding  one's arms / with one's arms folded (1)◆413
49. folding  one's arms / with one's arms folded (2)◆414
50. be descended  from ... (他動詞か自動詞か)◆415
51. a bought  cake は可能か◆417
52. burned wine◆418
53. 分詞構文 furled◆419
54. only one generation removed ◆420
55. “have (or get ) + object + Past participle” の完了の意味◆420
56. 重文を分詞構文に◆422
57. 付帯状況を表す分詞構文の書き換え◆423
58. 前後いずれを修飾する分詞句か◆424
59. Bowling  with those vases we brought from Kansas City!◆425
60. 懸垂分詞◆426
61. 独立分詞構文と主語◆428
62. 英文俳句の中の“N + 〜ing”◆429
63. (the ) weather permitting◆429

1. 接続詞の有無による意味の違い / 進行形の意味◆432
2. and か or か◆433
3. but の感嘆的用法など◆433
4. Roentgen, for  that was his name, ...◆434
5. there came a tapping, as  of someone gently rapping◆436
6. Try as he would, ... は (=Although he tried, ...) か◆436
7. because の用法◆438
8. before (or till ) he comes◆439
9. if  I knew it の if を省いたら◆440
10. let Sudie go back to her drawing, so  she can ...◆440
11. more ... than  would otherwise content them◆441
12. until (or before ) John came◆443
13. Just when  I was busiest, he must come worrying.◆444
14. where は関係詞か接続詞か◆445
15. as rapidly, or more rapidly, than ... は正しいか◆446
16. that -Clause を結ぶ not only ... but の位置◆448
17. 時を示す従属接続詞の類としての副詞(句)◆449
18. (neither) ... nor による書き換え◆451
19. scarcely ... than◆452
20. not so much (A) as B(A, B は名詞だけか)◆453

21. Six were invited, including  the girl.(前置詞か)◆454
22. 前置詞のくりかえし◆455
23. run it over か run over  it か◆456
24. verb + Particle◆457
25. look it over か look over  it か◆457
26. call on ... / get ... back◆459
27. at  morning and evening◆460
28. fail at  the job とは言わないか◆462
29. cross by  the famous bridge (by を用いた理由)◆463
30. 未来完了と by ... の副詞句◆464
31. for  the next three Saturdays◆466
32. price for ... は誤りか◆467
33. He had lived (for ) six years in France.◆470
34. get ready for ...◆471
35. get ready for ... / get ... ready◆472
36. Which platform does the train to  Sendai leave from ?◆473
37. leave (from )◆473
38. rise in  his chair◆474
39. in  the window の意味◆474
40. point in  the direction(前置詞の支配・被支配の関係)◆477
41. it was early in  spring◆479
42. careful (in) 〜ing◆479
43. look out into  the street は可か◆480
44. He is the best runner of  the class.(誤りか)◆480
45. delay of  mail◆481
46. a student of  Harvard は不可か◆481
47. a  professor of  the medical department of the university of Hawaii は可か◆484
48. He gave a very interesting account of  what had happened◆484
49. I am surprised of  his having committed suicide. は可か◆486
50. on  the east of ... は可か◆487
51. follow over  his course◆487
52. since  a little child◆488
53. to  the accompaniment of.◆489
54. Where did Jiro go yesterday? の答えは Kyoto. か TO Kyoto. か◆490
55. under  complete destruction◆491
56. come up  the record◆491
57. with  a ferocious speed は可能か◆492
58. run into ... / run across ... / meet with ... / come on ...◆494
59. night after  night / night by  night◆495
60. pine after (or for )◆496
61. meant as (or for )◆497
62. smile at (or to ) each other◆497
63. point at (or to )◆498
64. by (or in ) a traffic accident◆499
65. be frightened by (or of )◆500
66. be racked with (or by )◆501
67. 「20年来の大雪」の英訳◆501
68. be accused for (or of )◆502
69. It is being used for the walls of large buildings, as well as for (or of ) houses.◆503
70. tired ... the walk / go ... foot にはいる前置詞◆503
71. of  foot / by  foot◆505
72. This is a point for (or with ) the student to bear in mind.◆506
73. I came back from Oxford in (or after ) ten days.◆507
74. The wolf lay down in (or on ) the road.◆509
75. in (or on ) such a small island◆510
76. be late in (or on ) 〜ing◆512
77. Can you swim with your eyes open ( ) the water? に入れる前置詞は?◆512
78. made of (or from ) ...◆513
79. the happiest time in (or of ) your life◆515
80. come at three of  the following afternoon [in  the afternoon of the next day]◆515
81. a student of (in , or at ) ... school◆516
82. blame A on  B / blame A for  B◆517
83. on Sunday morning / in  the summer of 1972◆518
84. go sightseeing to (or in ) Tokyo / go to Tokyo for  sightseeing◆518
85. go to the mountains for skiing ) (or to ski ) / go skiing  on the mountains◆519
86. originated with  man's use of fire は正しいか◆520
87. I talked to (or with ) the boy.◆521
88. have a talk with (or to )◆522
89. get married with (or to )◆523

1. Parallelism の問題◆525
2. 文の一部の省略◆526
3. Did “we” find no taxicab ...?に対する応答◆526
4. Who has to go ...?に対する応答◆526
5. Would you mind 〜ing ...? に対する応答◆527
6. It is to be wished that they would safely arrive at their destination on scheduled time. の文体◆528
7. In one's understanding ... は口語でよく用いられるか◆528
8. He is the best friend I've ever had. の書き換え◆529
9. 強意構文か◆529
10. A coward , I let slip the opportunity.◆531
11. ? Everybody is difficult to please.◆533
12. Having read the paper, it was thrown into the waste-basket.の訂正◆534
13. It is disappointing for him to have failed. は非文法的か◆535
14. He is still using the bicycle he bought fifteen years ago. / He has been using the bicycle for fifteen years.◆535
15. the + (比較級), the + (比較級)の文◆536
16. Are these shoes yours or hers? (正しいか)◆536
17. Is neither Mary nor her sisters at home? と言えるか◆536
18. Am I less of  a writer than I used to be?◆537
19. 「きのう,学校に行ったんじゃありませんか」の英訳◆538
20. Won't you please ...?という文は可能か◆539
21. Why don't you? の2つの意味◆543
22. Why don't  you be  a teacher?◆547
23. How far wrong were you? の同意表現◆548
24. when better than in the spring! の類例◆549
25. How splendid a sunset (it is)! という感嘆文をどう説明するか◆549
26. You look happy, don't you ? は可能か◆550
27. neither ... nor や no ... を含む文の付加疑問◆550
28. 付加疑問 won't you? と will you? の違い◆551
29. He gave the potatoes to a gentleman to plant in his garden . (ネクサスか)◆553
30. What is  on the table? / What is there  on the table?◆554
31. There's Jane.◆555
32. Here used to be ... は可能か◆556
33. ... where a castle was は可能か◆556
34. How many stops is it  to Kanda from here? は可能か◆557
35. Old George and Bowker's pup stood watching him a silent farewell  from the yard. における farewell の働き◆558
36. 「call + 目的語 + to 〜 」の構文◆558
37. ask  one to do◆559
38. I don't need  you to tell me that.◆560
39. He liked (for) me to make it.◆563
40. demand (that) the U.S. defend the dollar の文型か◆564
41. recommend の文型◆564
42. want は that 節を従えるか◆565
43. He acquainted us that  he would come up to town next spring. (今も用いられる文型か)◆566
44. He answered me the question. という文は成立するか◆567
45. give it me ◆569
46. it takes a hundred men a week ◆571
47. S + V + O + O の受動態の文型◆572
48. 3重目的語◆572
49. 3重目的語か否か◆574
50. push open  the door / push the door open ◆575
51. I had  a friend of mine visiting (or visit ) me. その他◆576
52. 「show + 目的語 + doing」は可能か◆576
53. Look at  the dog running  in the garden.◆577
54. It is not wise for (or of ) you to be.◆579

55. what to do の意味上の主語◆582
56. ways in which to organize a file ◆584
57. 何を修飾する語群か◆585
58. after school (主語として)◆585
59. In spite of his careful preparations he failed at last .(誤りではないか) (1)◆586
60. In spite of his careful preparations he failed at last .(誤りではないか) (2)◆586
61. at (the) most = no (or  not) more than◆588
62. call into excellence◆588
63. so kind enough to do は可能か◆589
64. in  between times◆589
65. everyone (or  every one) of us / 分離した位置にある形容詞語群◆590
66. I have sent my car to the garage for repairing . (正用法か)◆593
67. Thanks to studying three years (or three years of studying ) ...◆593
68. The crops failed because of the dry season .(節に書き換える)◆593
69. Her affection for him had not lessened with the years .(節に書き換える) / その他◆594
70. Please tell me the time of his arrival.(複文に書き換える)◆596
71. He must be a fool to ask  such a silly question. / He must be a fool if he asks  such a silly question.◆597
72. They were the first birds to come back . (節に書き換える)◆598
73. Its platform provided for the men of Chelm to take over the housework ... の書き換え◆598
74. I am fascinated by the men, though very few indeed , who take life in their own hands ... (完全な節の形に)◆599
75. as so often in Europe の省略を補うと◆599
76. It is good that boys and girls get up early. は可能か◆601
77. that ... (同格節)に先行する名詞◆602
78. reconcile his mind to the fact  that ...◆603
79. as best (as) one can◆604
80. as long as I can remember◆606
81. as nearly as science can tell◆607
82. Let others say what they will , I always speak the truth. その他◆608
83. ... but not  so that anyone saw  me◆608
84. so that ... shall [will , may , can , etc.]◆610
85. (very ) strong man as he is, ...◆612
86. she hated him as he lay there (目的格補語か)◆613
87. let me know what his answer is (or his answer )◆614
88. I know that she stays in Tokyo. (単文に)◆615
89. Tell me the real reason why you were absent from work . (句に書き換える)◆615
90. She insisted that she was innocent. / She insisted (up)on being innocent.◆616
91. It is possible [impossible] for ... to 〜 (or that ...)◆617
92. I was lucky that I had missed the boat that was wrecked. その他◆618
93. He sat under the tree and ate his lunch. (単文に)◆618
94. Suppose we try ... (How ... に書き換える)◆619
95. too ... to 〜 / so ... that ... hardly 〜◆620
96. She was so tired that she could hardly speak. (too ... to 〜 を用いて書き換える)◆620

97. With who (or whom )? / Who (or whom ) with?◆622
98. What ... for? / Why ...?◆623
99. The first thing I bought was this radio. の分解◆624
100. 先行詞と関係詞(相互の位置)◆624
101. something ... which ... (関係詞の位置 / which か that か)◆627
102. 固有名詞と関係代名詞の制限・非制限用法◆628
103. 関係詞節(非制限用法)の和訳◆629
104. 関係代名詞とコンマ◆631
105. Natsuko who  is younger than I is a student.(前にコンマがはいるべきではないか)◆631
106. 「二重限定」に関連して◆632
107. hope, so precious a jewel as  it is, ...◆635
108. so much of the sky as ... left visible◆635
109. That's a nice hat you're wearing .◆636
110. that の先行詞は何か◆637
111. 関係副詞 that (1)◆638
112. 関係副詞 that (2)◆639
113. That is what  I value him for .◆640
114. They remembered the pleasant years when  they had spent together in Heidelberg. の訂正◆641
115. where の先行詞◆642
116. near where  last Thursday's clash took place◆643
117. Many people in this country wear spectacles, which you know . は誤りか◆643
118. which の先行詞◆645
119. of which (=whose)◆646
120. who の先行詞◆648
121. Tom was a little boy. / His parents loved him very much.(関係代名詞を用いて1文に)◆649
122. whoever or  whomever◆650
123. of whose  meaning she has not smallest idea◆650


1. enough の gh [f] はなぜか◆652
2. Beethoven(発音表記と発音)◆653
3. tiny の発音◆654
4. house-prefect / housemaster の強勢◆654
5. of course not. でもっとも強く発音される語◆655
6. 息のつぎどころ◆656
7. 区切りの問題◆657
8. in a few minutes now the New Year will be born の区切り◆657
9. _Was he_/ ̄angry ̄ / _Was_/ ̄he ̄\_angry_◆658
10. 詩の scansion◆658
11. 朗読中の読み誤りはどう言って読み直すか◆659

12. Practice makes perfect .◆660
13. for so long / for longer  than.◆661
14. the nearest  he had ever before been to a public bar◆661
15. boil an egg hard (副語か形容詞か)◆663
16. obstacles to contact  with people◆664
17. assuage the pangs of hunger or still  the pain◆665
18. in  there(副詞か前置詞か)◆665
19. and that  this ... was B's natural reward◆666

20. 話法の転換と代名詞◆667
21. She said, ‘Tm glad to see you .”の間接話法◆669
22. 直接話法と間接話法で英訳◆670
23. She asked him who Blake was .◆670
24. 直接話法に◆671
25. tell ... that ..., to roll over and go to sleep◆671

26. 感嘆文における(V × S)◆672
27. Brown my name is.◆673
28. such another か another such か◆674
29. the full + Numeral + Noun◆676
30. ten long  miles / a long  ten minutes◆678
31. in two years more / in two more  years◆679
32. see some floating  clouds / see some clouds floating ◆680
33. What did you give the cat to eat ?◆680
34. no more / no longer (文中の位置)◆681
35. I no longer  go there. の語順◆682
36. He has been waiting for you at least  for two years. (位置はよいか)◆683
37. He explained to me  the meaning of the sentence. (この位置は可能か)◆684
38. Not only の先行する文◆686
39. 語順転倒か分詞構文か◆687
40. 副詞句が先頭にある受動態の文◆690
41. As he grew older, he became less and less inclined to work.→The older ... で始まる文に◆692

42. 否定詞 not の作用域(Scope)◆693
43. 時の by ... の句は否定文に用いられるか◆693
44. be not  possessed of a voice for three minutes ◆694
45. 否定語と also◆696
46. You need not  take an umbrella / He seemed not  to hear me.◆697
47. I don't seem to come. = It seems that I cannot come. か◆697
48. None of them  worked hard. / Not any of them  worked hard. / Any of them  didn't  work hard◆698
49. I have not  a pencil. / I have no  pencil. / I do not have  a pencil.◆699
50. 「彼は住む家がない」に当たる英語◆699
51. He isn't (or He's not ) a coward. / There is not a (or no ) single mistake.◆699
52. He is no  scholar. / He is not a  scholar◆700
53. no farther / no better / no more than ...◆702
54. no more ... than ... / not ... any more than ...◆703
55. It's not something  to do with me.◆703
56. not so ... cut up ... but that  he was an excellent man◆704
57. none too  pleasant◆705
58. not too ... to 〜◆707
59. to say nothing of ... / not to mention ... / let alone ... / much less ... / still less ...◆708
60. She has no eyes, no nose or  no mouth.(誤りか)◆710
61. 「私には兄弟も姉妹もない」の英訳◆711
62. wonder if ... not.◆712
63. “This book isn't expensive. What do you think?” に対する答え方◆714
64. only few (or  little) −− このような表現があるか◆715

65. “leisure center”◆715
66. a reception hall はホテルの「フロント」か◆718
67. 1/2 bath とは?◆719
68. Charlie = a word used in communications to represent the letter C とは?◆719
69. Eikon Basilike◆720
70. I, Emma, take thee, Wilkins.◆720
71. Pig Latin◆721
72. 教員免許状◆722
73. 「自家用車」に当たる英語◆722


74. 間投詞3語◆724
75. ye-ye◆724
76. R.S.V.P. の R は何の略か◆726
77. the 1900's / 1900-9 / 1910's(読み方など)◆726
78. during the five years between 1940 and 1945◆728
79. between A and B / above A のあいまい性◆733
80. talk nineteen to the dozen◆734
81. 挿入位の however とその前後のコンマ◆735
82. Punctuation の問題◆737
83. learn them as many names (or as many of their names ) as possible◆737

84. アドバルーン(ad balloon)は英語か◆738
85. バックネット(backnet)は英語か◆740
86. black tea は和製英語か◆741
87. boat race は和製英語か◆742
88. コインロッカー(coin locker)は英語か◆743
89. フリーパス(free pass)は英語か◆743
90. フルーツパーラー(fruit parlor)は英語か◆744
91. ゴールデンアワー(golden hour) / ゴールデンウィーク(golden week) は英語か◆745
92. new face は和製英語か◆746
93. スタンドプレー(stand play)は英語か◆748
94. “a few”はいくつ◆749
95. 「スミスという人」の英訳◆750
96. by nature◆750
97. Bottoms up!◆752
98. He (or  She) is English . / He is an Englishman . / She is an Englishwoman . など◆753
99. A barking dog seldom bites.◆755
100. twenty crimes ago◆756
101. sports, such as football, tennis, skiing, etc .◆757
102. get him in the legs◆758
103. have gone (or  have been) / I'm sorry (,) I haven't◆759
104. here and there と単数名詞◆762
105. knock ... into the middle of next week◆762
106. like / like better◆762
107. lift (or  thrust out) one's chin は女性の高慢な態度を示すか◆763
108. not so much ... as ... rather than.◆765
109. on the contrary◆766
110. be on the telephone 「電話を引いている」◆768
111. the cutest kid on two wheels◆768
112. with his mouth open (or opened )◆769
113. pour out the glass of beer◆769
114. It remains to say a few words on the excellence of the book. ◆771
115. Chicago university / the university of Chicago◆772
116. “Say when.”“When.”◆774
117. Why ever (on earth, in the world, (in) the devil , or at all ) ...?◆776
118. worthy of reading◆776
119. This suitcase can go with me at my seat. と I can take this suitcase. ◆777
120. Bread is better than the song of birds.(出典)◆778

121. on an early March evening は on an early evening in March と解釈できないか◆778
122. The diaries may be discovered by some future generation, amazed  at the simple doings of the twentieth century.◆779
123. came into the nice division がどうして = was one of nice persons なのか◆780
124. I would rather have a cold  than drink warm beer.◆781
125. a cold, unseen stranger◆781
126. carry your dogs  on the escalator◆782
127. the flavour of the far away and long ago◆783
128. Heavy and warm , she spent hours sitting out◆783
129. help dress my wife は「妻の着るのを手伝う」か◆785
130. I hope を抜きにして訳出可能か◆785
131. I never will のあとの省略を補うと◆787
132. the ideal in the making ◆787
133. an instalment of night◆788
134. lay off / jumping-jesus / Rose, you Spaniard!◆788
135. their leg-of-mutton hearts◆790
136. like to knocked  her goddam head off◆791
137. No one had descended with baggage rather than cross by the famous bridge of San Luis Rey.◆791
138. You need not begin to pay  for it.◆792
139. I've been seeing a lot of an older man .◆793
140. owing to the typhoon◆794
141. a more pleasantly human  place◆794
142. The Statute runs against him.◆795
143. step out / removed the razors◆795
144. There is nothing to be hoped for.◆797
145. a corridor ... through which sped ... the shaggy tremendous shape / その他◆798
146. look ease of her for love◆799
147. in the course of his life◆799
148. “Very well.”◆800
149. what men made it◆801
150. my one while  that you threw / God strike me dead!◆801
151. with heavy losses / fought with the Armies in France / その他◆802
152. within five days of◆803
153. Alix remembered the excitement caused by the case, and again some three years later when Lemaitre had escaped from prison .◆804
154. With the one exception of Lyall, who chequers praise with somewhat tentative criticism, all these tributes are naturally eulogistic.(誤りの訂正)◆805
155. ラテン語引用文◆805
156. フランス語引用文◆806
157. 英文(Meredith から)解釈2題◆807
158. 英文(Steinbeck, The Pearl から)解釈3題◆807
159. 英文(Blunden, The English Mind から)解釈5問◆809
160. informal English でのパラフレーズ◆811
161. It will be found very little. (文法的か)◆813

162. 「砂浜」◆813
163. 「別荘」◆814
164. 「運賃精算所」◆815
165. 「...先生」◆816
166. 「印パ戦争」◆816
167. 「新潟地震」◆817
168. 「去年1年」◆817
169. 「柔道をする」「弓術をする」◆818
170. 「なん番め;なん代め」◆818
171. 「英語のテスト」◆819
172. 「日本の人口」◆819
173. 「スミスという名前の人たち」◆820
174. 「建て売住宅」◆820
175. 「高級分譲マンション」◆820
176. 「1時間飛行のあとで」◆822
177. 「...したいものだ」と「...したかった」の差◆822
178. 「本の16ページをあける」◆823
179. 「...にスケートをしにくる」◆824
180. 「スキーツアーに行く」「山スキーに出かける」◆824
181. 「もう春です」◆825
182. 「今年は雪が多かった」◆826
183. 「私の家族は4人です」◆826
184. 「彼らは北海道観光に行った」◆826
185. 「その町は昔のままです」◆827
186. 「物価が5倍に上がった」◆828
187. 「そのことをどう思うか」◆828
188. 「ここからいちばん近い大学はどこか」◆828
189. 「汽車の中で何をとられたのですか」◆829
190. 「北海道は東京よりもどれほど寒いか」◆829
191. 「私はそこへ行ったことがない」◆830
192. 「このさつまいもは,ホクホクしておいしい」◆831
193. 「約束の午後3時に5分ほど遅れてしまいました」◆831
194. 「人の身長は中指の長さの約20倍だそうである」◆832
195. 「彼女は若いときはまれな美人だったそうだ」◆832
196. 「交通事故で弟に死なれた」◆833
197. 「タクシーより歩いたほうが早い」◆834
198. 「こちらへ行く人もあり,あちらへ行く人もあった」◆834
199. 「ビル・スチュアートの弟はひとりでそこに行った」◆835
200. 「ピンクのワイシャツを着るなんてどうかしているな」◆835
201. 「なんとたくさんのウイスキーを飲んだことか」◆835
202. 「君が65歳のときに,日本の65歳以上の老人人口は約何万人になると思いますか」◆836
203. 和文英訳文の適否◆837
204. 英語表現:conversation(s) / democracy / dirty◆837
205. since  morning to  night は可能か◆839
206. 学校名の書き方◆842
207. “Your Suggestions”◆843
208. 英訳俳句の用語◆843
209. 潯陽江頭夜送客の英訳◆844

210. go shopping , go (on) talking (現在分詞か)◆845
211. “Is that girl your sister?” “Yes, it  is.” (正しいか)◆846
212. テスト問題の可否◆847
213. 標準学力テストの問題◆847
214. 入試問題の適否◆849