
1. handfuls か hands  ful か◆1
2. 同文中にある複数名詞の s◆2
3. much failures, much details は可能か◆3
4. 和英辞典の例文に見られる問題点◆6
5. lanchet(s), lynchet(s) の意味◆7
6. congratulation(s)の s の有無◆8
7. ‘Star Wars’の war はなぜ複数か◆9
8. 練習問題の exercise の用法◆10
9. 「満点」は a full mark か full marks か◆11
10. 種族全体を表わす a dog, the dog, dogs と「犬が好きだ」の言い方◆14
11. a three-cent stamp と a three-mile drive◆15
12. 単数・複数形のどちらを用いるか◆17
13. tell a lie と tell lies◆20
14. The countries are the scene of ... は可能か◆22
15. A contrast to the bamboo is the cedar. はこれでよいか◆23
16. 複数名詞から単数名詞への移行は許されるか◆23
17. 「資源」は単数形の resource でもよいか◆25
18. many  natural resources の many は much ではないか◆26
19. 「決勝戦」は1つの試合でも finals か◆27
20. a lettuce か lettuce か◆29
21. two cabbages は可能か◆29
22. compare book  to food は可能か◆30
23. do [× make] research について◆31
24. various と被修飾語◆32
25. drive along the beach の意味◆32
26. Thomas Hardy の Tess における paper-poets と skillentons の意味◆33
27. smistamento の意味◆34
28. “busk”の意味◆35
29. He came from nowhere. はなぜ「彼はどこからともなくやってきた」になるのか◆35
30. purse の意味◆37
31. Tom Putt の意味◆37
32. sweet fish の意味◆38
33. “assifidity” bags ; “red precipity” の意味◆38
34. Teacher Hara には皮肉なニュアンスがあるか◆39
35. canadium の意味◆41
36. cat's cradle の意味◆41
37. kiotes の意味◆41
38. lieutenants and other commissioned gentlemen の意味◆42
39. leg の部分◆42
40. Queen Anne's footstool について◆44
41. I am a dog person とは◆44
42. a mansion mansion とは◆45
43. contribution の新しい (?) 意味◆47
44. housekeeper に「主婦」の意味はあるか◆50
45. carry heavy baggage◆52
46. painting ( [U] か,[C] か)◆53
47. without respect  to ... と without regard  to ... の違い◆53
48. they landed on an ____. の下線部に入ることば◆54
49. 教室での生徒への Good morning, ... の呼びかけ語は何がいいか◆55
50. He is never coward. と言えるか◆55
51. I respect him because he has a noble character. は文法的あるいは語法的に不適切な英文か◆56
52. seashore の用法◆56
53. banana peel か banana skin か◆58
54. problem と question◆59
55. yard と garden◆60
56. goods の「数詞や many で修飾されない」と,baggage の[U][集合的に]という注記◆62
57. He charged off his mistakes (to experienceinexperience )◆64
58. problem と issue のちがい◆65
59. a number of students の呼応◆66
60. Time and tide waits(s)  for no man◆68
61. a person を they で受けるか◆69
62. Here is  three dollars. について◆70
63. 400 liters of water are  needed to produce one kilo of corn の are は is となるべきではないか◆72
64. I wish it were only arms or legs that's wrong with me. における数の一致◆73
65. the Japanese の単数呼応はあるか◆74
66. $75 was  enough to cover our hotel bill. の was について◆75
67. lodgings の単複扱い◆75
68. “one of the [those] 〜 s + 関係詞”で関係節の動詞は単数動詞か複数動詞か◆76
69. the oil shock / of none effect / the attendance of the meeting は可能か◆79
70. whoopee は make whoopee という成句のみに限られるか◆80
71. Negro という用語◆81
72. Black English という英語とその意味について◆82
73. There was a tear  in his eye. とは◆84
74. People  often throw rubbish into the river. の people は many people か some people か◆85
75. a pair of ... の用法について◆86
76. The house is 18th century◆87
77. 単数形所有格と複数形所有格◆87
78. tomorrow's test と the test of tomorrow◆89
79. My hands are all over flour ◆90
80. kindness itself や all smiles など◆92
81. news の語源について◆94
82. Cinderella を boy とともに使うことはないか◆94
83. -sion / -tion の綴り字◆96

1. improve on their  efforts の their は何を指すか◆97
2. The mayor, wearing his  gold chain, stood up at exactly eight o'clock and opened the meeting. における his◆97
3. No one knows one's/his  own destiny◆98
4. one should obey one's/his  parents◆100
5. 口語における me◆104
6. s/he の出典と用例◆105
7. that の後方指示用法(その1)◆107
8. that の後方指示用法(その2)◆109
9. that の後方指示用法(その3)◆113
10. that の指示するもの◆114
11. that と the one◆119
12. It's no business of yours. は正しいか◆119
13. it か one か◆120
14. make it  appear as though wars were not fought by individuals◆120
15. it  must have been heavy to carry around. の It は to 以下を受けるのか◆122
16. It  didn't hurt me at all when I ran の it の用法◆124
17. It has started to rain, which is just what I thought it  would do. の2つ目の it は不可欠か◆126
18. It  seemed to George that they really do enjoy making a noise when eating soup. の It は形式主語か状況の it か◆127
19. At first he wondered who it  was, because she  talked in an excited voice. の it◆129
20. He felt it  was a deep humiliation that was placed upon him, and his cheeks reddened. の it◆130
21. How long will it take from here?◆132
22. take it  for granted that ... の it の省略は可能か◆132
23. It's been years since I asked (something, anything, nothing, everything) of you◆133
24. 代名詞の選択問題◆134
25. 「だれでも」の英訳◆135
26. I've had enough cake. Would you like (one more, some more, any more, another one)? の括弧内の適語選択◆136
27. somebody と someone の違い◆136
28. 3人で食べた apple pies を受ける代名詞は them か some か◆137
29. divide the money between themthemselveseach other のいずれが正しいか◆139
30. Have you ever seen any Mickey Mouse pictures? に対する答えは Yes, I have once seen onethem . のいずれか◆139
31. He is clever, though he doesn't look so [it, like it ]. のいずれが正しいか◆140
32. with them か with themselves か◆142
33. slap oneself on the leg は可能か◆144
34. all but he (or him )◆145
35. Neither A nor B / but Harry and I について◆146

1. seize the man by the (or  his) hands◆149
2. play the violin における the はなぜつけるか◆150
3. 定冠詞 the の用法:Contrastive the について◆151
4. The  stars cannot be seen in the daytime. について◆153
5. Blue shirt is longer than the red one by four centimeters. の訂正◆154
6. He was an  actor and a  playwright.◆155
7. The two gentlemen are of ( ) age. の空所に冠詞が必要か◆156
8. a bold and a rash deed◆157
9. ‘With an " high hand’ の an◆158
10. 楽器名と冠詞◆158
11. 冠詞の有無◆162
12. the variety of foodstuff −− 複数形の前の variety に the をつけてよいか◆163
13. The castle can be approached by a boat. は by boat とすべきではないか◆164
14. 「日本史」の訳◆166
15. Your father went to the  school to see the  principal. の冠詞◆167
16. a  cock of the walk の a は可能か◆167
17. 辞典にある the  most favored nation (clause)の表記は妥当か◆168
18. on the  radio, play the  piano の冠詞の省略について◆169
19. (the ) first prize◆170
20. above (the ) sea level◆171
21. since morning か since the morning か◆172
22. go to church / college / the  work の定冠詞の有無◆173
23. the thousands of ... と言えるか◆173
24. ‘breast stroke’ には the は不要か◆174
25. She was the youngest of five children. と She was the youngest of the five children. の差◆175
26. of the pig and the cow, the latter is (the ) more valuable. の the は optional か◆175
27. have (the ) authority to do の the の有無について◆176
28. The game was put o゛on account of rain . の rain に定冠詞は不要か◆177
29. 「機動隊」の英語は riot police か the riot police か◆178
30. the top of iceberg の iceberg には定冠詞はいらないか◆180
31. My house is near school. の school には冠詞はいらないか◆180
32. But the disc jockey is most popular to us. の most の前に定冠詞はいらないか◆183
33. Nobody seemed to know how to use a knife and forkknife and forka knife and a forkknives and forks . の容認度◆184
34. by (a ) small boat は可能か◆186
35. athe  sixth sense◆186
36. an only son と the only son の意味◆187
37. take a degree と take the degree の違い◆188
38. *It's too hot weather. と *the too sweet coffee について◆188
39. 関係詞の先行詞と冠詞◆189

1. better (more) able to (その1)◆193
2. better (more) able to (その2)◆193
3. ..., the world people will be poorer  in many ways than they are today. / more poor ◆194
4. The more I've thought about it, the surer I feel there's something in it.は誤りか◆195
5. Japan's population today is twice larger than that of a century ago.は正しいか◆196
6. Jane liked roses better than any other flowers . は正しいか◆198
7. It is + adj. + that -Clause の文型◆198
8. Everything that it  had been possible to destroy ... was destroyed. の文において it の省略は可能か◆201
9. The question is easy enough to answer. の書き換え◆202
10. He is hard to please.◆204
11. a few が10前後の数を示す例があるか◆204
12. able to be  p.p.◆207
13. alternate と alternative◆208
14. another 200 million children  are ... は誤りか◆210
15. any に続く名詞の数(肯定文の場合)(その2)◆211
16. any, every, each の違い◆211
17. The ticket is (a. available b. practical c. effective d. useful) for one month. の正解はどれか◆215
18. feel bad (or badly ) (その1)◆216
19. feel bad (or badly ) (その2)◆217
20. brutal frankness の brutal の意味◆218
21. at cheaper  prices◆218
22. cool = excellent か◆219
23. LDCE における crude の definition◆219
24. drawing-room  sense の意味◆220
25. dismiss the entire  British view と entirely  dismiss the British view とは同じか◆220
26. Fantastic! の語感◆222
27. It is free for you to do so. について◆223
28. It's very  fun. は不可か◆225
29. some generous  Burgundy の generous の意味◆226
30. good to eat / nice to drink◆226
31. good your ladyship は現用法か◆228
32. grateful に that -Clause が続くか◆229
33. ill people について◆229
34. get ill における ill の品詞◆230
35. things Japanese の意味◆231
36. You are kind  to do so. / It is kind of you  to do so. / You are kind enough  to do so.◆232
37. It is careful  of you to do. の形は可能か◆234
38. 形容詞 legal は限定用法のみか◆236
39. likely と probable [possible」の相違◆237
40. 疑問・否定文における many, much と a lot of の頻度◆240

41. many, much, a lot of の関係◆241
42. memorial  park の意味◆244
43. It is necessary  for you to talk to him. は人を主語にして He is necessary  for you talk to. と言えないか◆244
44. That's where we'll go next summer . の next summer は「この夏」か◆245
45. Bad habits are next to impossible to get rid of. はなぜ不可か◆245
46. The poor  girl was barefooted. の poor は「貧乏な」の意味にはならないか◆247
47. I think it would be most ... to invest your money in that company. において正解は unwise のみか◆248
48. The man was not very social . のような social の叙述用法は誤りか◆249
49. sure of ... と sure to ... の違い◆249
50. Am I sure to succeed? は可能か◆250
51. I will be sure to succeed. は可能か◆252
52. I am sure (that) I will win. は I am sure to win. または I will surely win.と書き換えられるか◆253
53. thankful と grateful◆254
54. that の指示するもの −− 外界指示と後方照応の二重機能◆256
55. this の新しい用法(その1)◆257
56. this の新しい用法(その2)◆260
57. worthwhile は Predicative adjective として使えるか◆261
58. It is worth reading old books. は誤りか◆262

1. almost と nearly との違い◆266
2. already, still, yet◆267
3. We kept looking for the missing ring for hours. But at last  we gave it up for lost. の at last はよいか◆268
4. He is away  in the country. / He swam away  from the ship. / I hope to get away  early in the morning. において away の代わりに og を使えるか◆269
5. ten years back と ten years ago の違い◆269
6. or better yet の解釈◆270
7. I cannot thank you too much. と I cannot thank you enough (その1)◆271
8. I cannot thank you too much. と I cannot thank you enough (その2)◆272
9. little enough, few enough は不可か◆273
10. I've long ceased even  to hope for that◆274
11. I don't ευε″like to stand ... は可か◆275
12. even の位置◆279
13. This is the last time I shall ever see you .◆280
14. exactly the same thing は the exactly same thing とすべきではないか◆281
15. 副詞 exactly の位置◆282
16. 距離の意味での farther と further◆282
17. Bears appear frequently  in the neighborhood of the village. は可能か◆283
18. I live in this little world of mine and am afraid to make it the least less . の the least less について◆285
19. *less brighter than we had expected の訂正◆285
20. we would be most  pleased◆287
21. a lot of houses were (very ; much ; very much) damaged の ( ) のうち,最も適当なものはどれか◆289
22. much [still] more ... 構文は存在しないのか◆289
23. never ... since 1970.◆290
24. It is a waste of time to wait for him any longer (or more).◆294
25. I have remembered  his name now . は可能か◆294
26. oddly enough の訳は「大変妙なことに」でよいか◆295
27. 日本語の「ときどき」は英語の often に当たることがあるか◆296
28. realize what a  treasure you possess の a と often  used to tell me の often◆297
29. Mary was patiently  examined by the doctor. の patiently とは◆298
30. plenty の副詞用法◆300
31. quite の2つの意味◆301
32. quite  a week の quite の意味用法◆303
33. right away / at once◆304
34. The wind is blowing south . (その1)◆305
35. The wind is blowing south . (その2)◆307
36. The wind is blowing south . (その3)◆309
37. The wind is blowing south . (その4)◆310
38. The wind is blowing south . (その5)◆310
39. The wind is blowing south . (その6)◆311
40. The wind is blowing south . (その7)◆312
41. The wind is blowing south . (その8)◆313
42. The wind is blowing south . (その9)◆313
43. The wind is blowing south . (その10)◆314
44. take inup  (=absorb)の in と up◆315
45. all there is  to be known◆316
46. throw A on / throw on A について◆316
47. too much afraid は正しいか◆317
48. too much alone を用いた理由◆317
49. He was too much  surprised to say a word. は不可か◆319
50. This is twice larger than that. はなぜ誤りなのか◆320
51. very  alike◆321
52. He is well spokenspoken well  of◆322
53. Buying that house is (much, well, enough, far) within his means.◆323
54. ‘Your cat isn't eating, ’‘Yes , I wish I knew what the matter is.’の Yes は正しいか◆324
55. 付加疑問の答えにおける Yes, No に対応する「はい」と「いいえ」◆324
56. Has he yet  done it? / He has not  done it yet . は可能か◆326

1. get + 目的語 + 過去分詞◆328
2. you was の was / 非標準英語◆330
3. 動詞の目的語となるもの◆332
4. V1(,) without V2 + ing における V1 と V2の時間的関係◆335
5. (?) afford to do = afford doing ◆336
6. used to be に変えられない was◆337
7. believe + O + to do (その1)◆340
8. believe + O + to do (その2)◆340
9. believe + O + to do (その3)◆341
10. believe A to do について◆342
11. My grandmother brought  me up until  I was twelve years old. と言えるか◆345
12. challenge の意味◆346
13. choose のとる文型◆347
14. come か go か◆348
15. comment that ... は可能か◆349
16. comment that ... の例文(その1)◆350
17. comment that ... の例文(その2)◆350
18. He doesn't dare leave  the room. という言い方◆351
19. 代動詞 do は先行のどの動詞を受けるか◆352
20. doubt of ... は可能か◆354
21. This wine drinks  pretty nice. / This wine drinks  flat. / How does this whisky drink ? における drink は誤りか◆354
22. have breakfast か eat breakfast か◆356
23. He entered upon  the life of a telegraph operator. の upon の有無◆358
24. fail (in) the examination の in は省略できるか◆359
25. “failagree + to-infinitive”構文の fail / agree は自動詞か他動詞か◆360
26. He found me (to) do it. は可能か◆362
27. forbid a person from 〜ing は divided usage か◆364
28. John gave  the door a kick . が to-Phrase に書き換えできない理由は?◆366
29. hate that ... について◆368
30. 米語では I've gotten lost. が正しく,I've got lost. は vulgar か◆369
31. have to 〜 に「...に違いない」の意?(その1)◆370
32. have to 〜 に「...に違いない」の意?(その2)◆372
33. have to 〜 に「...に違いない」の意?(その3)◆373
34. have to 〜 に「...に違いない」の意?(その4)◆374
35. have to 〜 に「...に違いない」の意?(その5)◆375
36. have to 〜 に「...に違いない」の意?(その6)◆377
37. have to 〜 に「...に違いない」の意?(その7)◆378
38. have to 〜 に「...に違いない」の意?(その8)◆378
39. be injured  in the arm は可能か◆379
40. insist  that he should do it = insist on  his doing it◆380
41. insist の用法◆380
42. join の(自),(他)の用法◆382
43. 不定詞が justify の目的語になれるか◆383
44. I well  know it. で well は文尾に用いるのは不可か◆384
45. 無生物主語 + lead◆385
46. leave behind は二重目的語をとるか◆385
47. live  to oneself は普通に使われるか◆386
48. They made  roads and bridges の made は built とすべきか◆386
49. We can made  hot dogs. は適切か◆387
50. make  breakfast と cook  breakfast の違い◆388
51. If he made  a mistake, he'll try to conceal it.◆388
52. to master English は不可か◆389
53. mean + 〜ing について◆392
54. More and more paper will need  every year. のような need の自動詞用法は可能か◆393
55. Because of the snowstorm, we were obliged  to stay at home. の be obliged to do の使い方は正しいか◆394
56. observe は目的格補語として原形不定詞はとれないか?◆394
57. perch(鳥がとまる)の用法◆396
58. permit his children nothing は可能か◆397
59. 「医者は彼を説得して煙草をやめさせた」の英訳と persuade◆398
60. I persuaded him and persuaded him but he wouldn't do it. は正文か◆399
61. prepare one's lessons と prepare for one's lessons の違い◆400
62. Cars pulled  to the side of the road. の pull について◆401
63. I read a book last night. は「読み終えた」か◆404
64. He put two commas into the sentence, and read : “Tom Sawyer, says the teacher, is foolish.”の read の解釈◆408
65. redress the imbalance は不可か◆410
66. regard him with suspicion の with の連語表示◆411
67. Remember! は「覚えていろ」か◆412
68. He requested his guests to sit down. を複文にした場合の He requested his guests that they would sit down. は正しいか◆414
69. resemble は受身にできるか,できないか◆417
70. rob fruit, rob the honey における rob (=steal) について◆418
71. rob the money from the bank は可能か◆419
72. 「自動車が走る」に run が使えるか◆420
73. He saw fit to  ignore me. はなぜ「私を無視した」ことになるのか −− 含意動詞について◆421
74. seem to do という表現について◆422
75. He seems to move to Osaka next week. は可か◆424
76. seem, appear, look とその構文◆425
77. it is [seems] that◆430
78. speak, say, tell, talk の意味の違い◆434
79. stand と endure の違い −− 肯定文などの制約◆435
80. stride の活用形について◆437
81. after an expiation, suppose  of months の suppose の用法◆438
z82. suppose の進行形 −− 辞書の記述の態度◆439
83. 無生物主語 + take [bring](その1)◆440
84. 無生物主語 + take [bring](その2)◆440
85. bring と take の相違◆441
86. 自然現象に take place が使われる場合◆443
87. He taught mathematics to me. の意味◆444
88. What do you think / feel  about it? などの表現について◆445
89. think + 間接感嘆文◆446
90. think of Mother (as ) doing that◆447
91. Why didn't you throw  him a low ball? で「ボールをパスした」ことになるか◆448
92. He was treated (for ) an acute toothache. の for の省略は可能か◆450
93. each time や since は used to と共起できるか◆450
94. vary か from person to person は正しいか◆451
95. visit を用いた「どこを訪れたか」の英訳◆452
96. want  watering◆452
97. want の進行形◆453
98. want + that-Clause の例文を辞典に載せることについて(その1)◆455
99. want + that-Clause の例文を辞典に載せることについて(その2)◆456
100. want, believe, force の構文◆457
101. warn の文型表示は「SVO (that)節 / to do」でよいか◆461
102. I wonder if that episode did not have a great influence on my future films の解釈◆464
103. worry whether ... は可能か◆465

1. 不許可の can't◆468
2. No other way of having got acquainted with the man (1. could have made 2.can make 3. can have made 4. will be able to make) him feel so happy. の選択◆470
3. He got up so early that he could catch the first train. の could はなぜ不可か◆471
4. 「できた」と could◆473
5. 「can + 知覚動詞」の意味するもの◆475
6. 助動詞 do と be の共起◆478
7. had better は「...するほうがよい」でなく,「...するのがよい」と訳すべきか◆478
8. have to と「...に違いない」という意味◆479
9. of が have の代わりに使われる場合の条件◆482
10. If I had of  came, ... の had of (=have) come について◆483
11. may well の2つの意味◆484
12. May I 〜?に対する応答◆486
13. He wished that God might  bless me. の might◆489
14. Excuse me, there ismust be  something wrong. で,is と must be ではどちらが断定的か◆490
15. ‘I should have stopped.’と You ought not to have done so.’に対する「私もそうすべきだった」,「私もそうすべきでなかった」の意味の response ... 490
16. We recommend that he ought to  go. の ought to は誤りか◆491
17. He'll  be sorry. の he'llは (=he shall) か◆494
18. will  or shall ◆495
19. if it willwould  be of any use to you◆496
20. 推量の意を持つ will / would◆499
21. Boys will be boys. の will の意味◆501
22. will の用法(その1)◆504
23. will の用法(その2)◆504
24. 仮定法に用いられる could と might の差異◆504
25. will と be going to の相違◆507
26. let's ... の用法◆509

1. 副詞節か名詞節か◆511
2. I don't care what will happen to me. は I don't care what happen  to me.ではないか◆513
3. See (to it) that ... 構文の that 節内の時制◆513
4. make sure that ... / see to it that ... の that 節内には未来を表わす助動詞は用いられないか◆515
5. People talked  about the slope. は「話した」か「話していた」か◆518
6. It gave me I know [knew ] not what strange feeling.◆519
7. 過去形か現在形か◆520
8. His home was but a few miles from where he now lay の lay は lies と訂正すべきではないか◆522
9. He is  the second man to be killed in this way (the second man who was  killed). はなぜ He was ... とならないか◆522
10. John's hope of winning a prize は John hopes that he will ... のように現在形で表わせないか◆523
11. too ... to 〜 の構文に進行形が統く例◆523
12. want も進行形で用いられるのか◆524
13. I'm getting tired. の日本語訳◆525
14. when と進行形◆526
15. I had been waiting for him for an hour when he entered the room. において I had (already) waited ... とは言えないか◆527
16. I am learning  English at school. と I learn  English at school. の異同◆527
17. When the telephone rang, Mary was watchingwatched  TV. の差◆529
18. Gorbachev “was understanding ...”−−状態動詞と進行形◆530
19. forget vs. have forgotten◆535
20. It has been  ten years since he died. の完了形は ((米)) または ((米話)) か◆537
21. 過去形と現在完了形◆538
22. this year と時制◆538
23. 現在完了形か現在完了進行形か◆539
24. I have gonebeen going  to school for three years. と言えるか◆541
25. The problem has been becoming very serious. はなぜ誤りか◆542
26. recently と共起する時制◆545
27. 現在時制の文中に現れた過去完了時制◆546
28. forget の過去完了形と long ago の併用◆548
29. ..., a second nuclear era had begun . の過去完了時制の意味◆549
30. We went out. + It stopped raining.◆550
31. 主節・従節における時制の差◆551
32. if it was not so の意味などと I knew that all animals had to die, also that some men died . における died の時制などについて◆552
33. I was surprised to find that it changed  very much. の changed はなぜ had changed にならないか◆555
34. Peter ... have lived ... and before that Peter lived  with Nina. の lived は had lived としなくてもよいか◆557
35. I didn't sleep [hadn't slept]  long when [before]  a noise woke me up. / I wasn't [hadn't been] sleeping  long when [before]  a noise woke me up.◆557
36. would have come と would be entered の用法◆559
37. It is lucky that the weather should be  so fine. の言及する時制は現在だけか◆561
38. 時制の一致の有無◆562
39. 時制の不一致◆563
40. 時制の不統一◆564
41. 2つ以上の時制が使える場合◆565

1. wish の動詞用法と名詞用法上の相違◆569
2. We request that you not  use it. は正用法か◆570
3. if / whether + 仮定法◆572
4. I wish I could have + p.p.◆573
5. couldn't have come と couldn't come の差 / if ... were to + 完了不定詞の用法◆574
6. 前提節に過去形,帰結節に完了形(その1)◆575
7. 前提節に過去形,帰結節に完了形(その2)◆576
8. 過去完了(仮定法)に代わる過去形◆578
9. If he were with me ... は If he were to be with me ... と言い換えできるか −− 仮定法過去形の問題◆579
10. if I was you は非標準語法か◆581
11. If my father were alive, he would have been 90 next year. の would have been の形の例が実際にあるか◆583
12. We cannot  watch television or listen to the radio without electricity. の cannot は could not ではなくてよいか◆585
13. If we were to 〜, we would は仮定法なのか◆586
14. I would like to visit Japan. When is the best season? に対する返事として If you came  to Japan in the fall, you could  enjoy comfortable weather. でよいか◆588
15. If it had been ... and if there were ... の仮定法の使い方◆590
16. He suggested that I waited  till dark (その1)◆591
17. He suggested that I waited  till dark (その2)◆593
18. He suggested that I waited  till dark (その3)◆595
19. He suggested that I waited  till dark (その4)◆596
20. He suggested that I waited  till dark (その5)◆599
21. He suggested that I waited  till dark (その6)◆601
22. He suggested that I waited  till dark (その7)◆604
23. I desired that he learned  English at once. という文は非文か −− Suasive verb と直説法◆605
24. The chairman recommended that the meeting notdo not  last more than two hours. は正用法か◆606
25. I insist  that he (should ) keep  early hours. で仮定法現在は ((主に米)),should を用いるのは ((主に英)) か◆607
26. It is (high) time that he goes .◆607
27. It is time you went to school. よりも It is time for you to go to school.の方が普通か◆608
28. It's time (that) I were  going. の were◆611
29. It is necessary  that he prepares  for the worst. について◆613
30. unless と仮定法◆614
31. I'd  love to, if it's  your tooth.◆615

1. Do it at once. の受動態◆619
2. meet の「(偶然)に会う」という意味では受身形は可能か◆621
3. be paid careful attention to ◆621
4. reflect の受身形◆622
5. His neighbors spoke ill of  him. の書き換え◆623
6. Wood is made into a desk. は正しいか◆625
7. 「be surprised を能動態に訳す」?◆626
8. You often hear it said that the English people are honest. の The English people を文頭に出すとどうなるか◆626

1. how to do の不定詞は何用法か◆628
2. if ... be to◆629
3. One has only to look at their methods of town-planning and water-supply ... to see  how little they care about mere efficiency. の不定詞は結果の不定詞か◆630
4. Little water was in the bottle, not to be drunk until the last moment. における不定詞の用法◆631
5. be frightened to do ... について◆633
6. The signs are there for all to see.◆635
7. It took ten minutes for him to solve the problem. の to - 不定詞は何用法か◆635
8. England is  the first country to develop  railways.◆636
9. no money to buy such things (with )◆637
10. a good place to live ◆639
11. I have no house to live in . の in は省略できるか◆641
12. as people to live under の意味◆642
13. 同格関係を表わす不定詞の形容詞用法◆643
14. to not do ... はまれか◆644
15. help (to) 〜 の動詞文型◆648
16. help O (to) do の to の有無による意味の違い◆649
17. There's nothing for it but (to ) do◆651
18. There is nothing for us but to  comply with his requests. の to の有無について◆652
19. All that he asks is to  be in time for dinner. の不定詞の to は省けるか◆653
20. except の後に動詞がくる場合の to の有無◆654
21. The question was too difficult for us to answer (it ).◆656
22. The book is too difficult for you to read it . は誤りか◆657
23. The book is too difficult for me to understand (it ). の it の有無について◆659
24. grow (to be) a beautiful woman について◆660
25. Not to change the subject, but ...◆662
26. strange to say は旧式な言葉遣いか◆662
27. I'm a bad friend to be amusing  myself.◆664
28. He has the ability of doing は可能か◆666
29. accustomed to work (or working ) hard◆668
30. ‘be accustomed to ...’の用法◆670
31. have no intention to do は可能か◆671
32. It is impossible fortelling the future. は可能か◆673
33. 不定詞か動名詞か(その1)◆673
34. 不定詞か動名詞か(その2)◆675
35. 不定詞か動名詞か(その3)◆676
36. like to 〜 or like 〜ing / Inversion の要・不要,など◆677
37. The storm delayed the ship'sthe ship  leaving the harbor.◆679
38. think to 〜◆679
39. Seeing is believing. の believing は動詞か名詞か ; 動詞なら自動詞か他動詞か◆681
40. cross-lighting◆683
41. deplore 〜ing は可能か◆683
42. 前置詞の後の動名詞表現と名詞表現◆683
43. It would be slow going , ... to near freezing . の -ing は?◆685
44. It is a rewarding experience reading Shakespeare. は可能か◆686
45. *Thank you for your  coming. における動名詞の意味主語 your について◆691
46. 「天候が許せば」の英語表現◆692
47. Arrived  from the country, he was captivated ... の分詞構文について◆693
48. Arrived home , you empty your catch ... の Arrived home は Having arrived home か◆694
49. this being  the 1st period の being を is にしてもよいか◆694
50. ... be enslaved by the besieged  Romans. の besieged は正しいか◆695
51. the caught  mind は可能か◆695
52. The girl came home crying  bitterly. や He stood surrounded  by the children. における分詞は主格補語か◆696
53. A dog came running . の running は主格補語か副詞か◆697
54. they came believing .◆699
55. 距離を表わす動詞 cover の受身形 −− 受動性の問題◆700
56. Following  is the gist of his speech. の following について◆701
57. get started◆702
58. 過去分詞 hit は名詞の前置修飾は不可か◆705
59. keep standing と keep on standing ◆706
60. a killed  statesman とはなぜ言えないか◆707
61. once eaten ... の構文について◆709
62. He is packed , ready to leave. の packed の用法◆710
63. Hartcourt had to move slowly behind her getting  closer to his father all the time. の getting は付帯的用法ではないか◆712
64. インタビューで用いられた分詞構文の適否◆714
65. Reading the newspaper, he wears glasses. = When he reads the newspaper, he wears glasses.)の分詞の適性について◆715
66. 過去分詞の用法◆718
67. 過去分詞の名詞前位修飾について◆721
68. a shut  window は正しいか◆723
69. Look at the sleeping babythe baby sleeping ◆725
70. a camp teaching  math ; Look at the man standing  over there. について◆725
71. here, spread before you, is the story◆728
72. there is a pot of tea being brewed◆729
73. driving test: driving の品詞 / 連語の強勢型◆730
74. Democracy depends on the communication which is sharing , ... の sharing は現在分詞か動名詞か◆732
75. 「前置詞 + 動名詞」と「接続詞 + 現在分詞」の違い◆732
76. 動名詞か分詞か◆734

1. People see things differently ( ) they are rich or poor. に according as を入れてよいか◆736
2. A and B are identical. の意味◆736
3. Mr. President, Mr.Speaker, members of the 96th Congress, (and) fellow citizens. における and の欠落◆739
4. I can only treat of these subjects as  they have affected me. の as の意味◆739
5. as far as は前に言ったことを肯定的に敷衍するときにも使えるか◆740
6. as though ... の節の主語はかならず主節の主語と一致するか◆742
7. 接続詞 But の意味◆743
8. But if  we were  less sharply political than we had been in 1913, so were our fathers to whom we should return. における主節の were は直説法か仮定法か◆743
9. No fear but that  such a thing will happen. の意味◆745
10. No sooner had the cat seen me, she ran away. は正しいか◆746
11. ... or  so the story goes の or の意味◆747
12. I did not  go to the lecture meeting or  wish to [go]. は誤りか◆748
13. rather than doing は可能か◆749
14. scarcely had ... when ... の用法◆750
15. Your father won't treat you as a child ( ) you have graduated from high school. のカッコ内に since が入るか◆752
16. Which language do you suggest (that ) I take this year?◆752
17. whether [if] ... or not の用法◆754
18. discuss if ... は誤りか◆755

1. inaccording to  one's opinion◆756
2. 同格の of かどうか◆759
3. agree with ... と agree to ... の違い◆759
4. You were among our first guests. の意味◆761
5. As for ... の用法◆762
6. As for と as to の相違◆765
7. The sea melts into the sky at  the horizon. の at は on ではないか◆767
8. Consolidated Financial Statement at 31st March 1980. の at について◆768
9. because of ; owing to ; on account of◆768
10. 3つ以上に用いる between◆769
11. 「片目が見えない」「右目が見えない」と言う場合の英語の前置詞◆771
12. I bought this book forat  ten dollars. の違い◆772
13. by  the help of と deposit money with  the bank◆773
14. It is close ( ) ten o'clock. の正解◆773
15. contribute generously of  their change について◆774
16. It is a custom with [for ] A to do◆775
17. cut one's finger with/on  a knife では前置詞は on か◆776
18. except (for)◆777
19. find faults in ... は正しいか◆779
20. glass of ice (ガラスのような氷) / angels of women (天使のような女性たち)は可能か◆780
21. He is in for  an illness. の for は正しいか◆781
22. I hope you will not have forgotten all this till  tomorrow! の till はこのままでもよくはないか◆782
23. since ... ago の語法◆782
24. (?) since two years ago◆786
25. remember  him from  some years ago◆787
26. Your father got angry ( ) you staying up late every day. のカッコ内に入る語を(1. for, 2.to, 3. with, 4. on)から選ぶ◆790
27. get into my umbrella とは言えないか◆791
28. She went to the supermarket for  shopping. は誤りか◆792
29. go fishing at ... について◆794
30. 「頭部を殴られる」の英訳◆794
31. He was hot ( ) shame . に入る前置詞は何が適当か◆795
32. wearing を意味する in の用法◆796
33. Please study (in) any way you like. における in の省略◆797
34. in between は場所に限られるか◆798
35. light の前置詞に under は可能か◆799
36. inside か inside of か◆799
37. 「残す」の意味で leave O2 to O1 は可能か◆801
38. She is Miss universe for 1979. の for の用法について◆801
39. He is named from  his uncle. も正しくないか◆802
40. There is no hope for  her recovery. の for は of ではないのか◆803
41. have no money about  you と言うか◆804
42. The street is very noisy for  the day. は不可か◆805
43. a letter of a few days ago と言えるか◆806
44. the kitchen of/in  a large house など前置詞の違い◆806
45. I can't agree with you in  this point. は可能か◆807
46. the children on  the bus の on の意味◆808
47. I had my nose operated on . は可能か◆808
48. I'm a pitcher in  our team. は可能か◆809
49. push against the spokes of the wheel の意味◆809
50. be quick ( ) understanding の前置詞は of, about, at, in のうちのどれか◆810
51. rate the chances at fifty-fifty は可能か◆810
52. respectful of  tradition は可能か◆811
53. It's silly for  you to  keep me prisoner. は可能か◆812
54. Can't something be done (with, about, for, to ) the smog? で正しい前置詞はどれか◆814
55. The singer [song] was accompanied with  the piano. は可能か◆814
56. spend + 目的語 + on/in  doing の構文◆815
57. He is a stranger to  London. の意味◆815
58. The trouble took its toll of  his health. は可か◆816
59. a teacher of  this school は可能か(その1)◆817
60. a teacher of  this school は可能か(その2)◆819
61. He is a student of  Green High Junior High School. という表現◆820
62. be tired from ...◆820
63. to us と for us の相違◆823
64. We have a summer vacation until September 1 . は「8月31日まで」休みか◆825
65. *Do it within today . はどうして誤りか◆832
66. “Why  did you say that about that girl in Strasbourg for ? ... ”は what ... for? 型との混同か◆836
67. with を伴った語句◆836
68. with  a ferocious speed は可能か◆838
69. 動詞とそれに続ぐ ‘without 〜ing’との時間関係◆839
70. The intense dislike (which/that) the people regarded him with  may be seen in the unspeakable ugliness of the cartoon that is supposed to represent him. における with の位置は正しいか◆841
71. the girl after whom John is running は誤りか◆841
72. left her for dead の dead について◆844

1. A car is easy for me to drive. は非文か◆845
2. A is to B what C is to D◆846
3. From Ueno to Fukaya on the Takasaki Line takes about an hour and a half by regular train. は普通の表現か◆847
4. 「動詞 + 目的語 + 不定詞」と「動詞 + 目的語 + that-Clause」◆848
5. I advised her that she should wait. の her は欠くことができないか◆849
6. Freedom must be guarded with care, a fact demonstrated by human history −− 文との同格◆849
7. Because she had failed ^ did not change that belief. は did の前に主語が脱落しているか◆850
8. I prefer my coffee black . / I painted the door blue . の補語◆852
9. 主語と動詞の数の不一致◆855
10. console someone that-Clause の文型◆857
11. 省略について◆858
12. know の後の省略◆860
13. Isn't she pretty! について◆862
14. I was wrong. の強調は Was I wrong. か◆864
15. To go there all for herself was foolish of Mary. は誤りか(その1)◆866
16. To go there all for herself was foolish of Mary. は誤りか(その2)◆867
17. He was watched walking along the street. は非文か◆868
18. How many? を完全な文にするには◆869
19. I did not hear the news until yesterday. の時制と強調構文について◆869
20. I know whether  John loves Martha. および I don't know that  John loves Martha. と言えるか◆870
21. I persuaded him to go, but he wouldn't. と I persuaded him to go. But he wouldn't.◆873
22. Kwame is sorry so much that your wife is sick. / I prefer physical geography more than anything else. は正しいか◆878
23. I saw him be driven away. によって完結を表わすことができるか◆880
24. ingenuity has even gone into saving us the labour. を We を主語にして書き換える(その1)◆881
25. ingenuity has even gone into saving us the labour. を We を主語にして書き換える(その2)◆882
26. 倒置文◆883
27. It  is strange to think that he knows it. の It は to 以下を受けるか,that 節を受けるか◆888
28. 「It is + that 節」の文型◆890
29. 強調構文 It  was just after two when  we sent for a doctor. は可能か◆892
30. Life surrounds the earth with a vast network. の受身はなぜ The earth is surrounded with a vast network of life . か◆893
31. She likes to sing a song. は正しいか◆894
32. look on [upon] O as C の型について◆896
33. My house is ten miles away  from here. は正しくないのか◆896
34. Mr. A turned to Mr. B and asked if he had no experience to describe, no story which could not be explained. における否定疑問の意味◆897
35. Neither he nor I am right. = ((口)) Neither he is right nor I am. か◆898
36. ... but not l. は何の省略か◆899
37. They did not believe in kings. という文の述語動詞は?◆900
38. only man of all the animals has the power to reason. をまねて Only she of all the classmates could not attend the party. と言えるか◆901
39. pledge は to-infinitive をとるか◆901
40. SVOO 文型の目的語◆902
41. She can, a little. は可能か◆907
42. She sent him back the letter. は可能か◆909
43. The more, the merrier◆911
44. The result is a firewood. はありうるか◆911
45. The third box, which had what the institute felt was  an ideal balance of colors in the package design, received very favorable answers. の斜体部を生徒にどう説明するか◆912
46. There are twelve months in a year. と A year has twelve months. の相違◆914
47. There was a faint shadow cast. と A faint shadow was cast. の違い◆917
48. They seem to leave the city tomorrow. は可能か◆918
49. This book cannot be too difficult for you to learn by yourself, and cannot be too easy for you to get all the answers right. は正しい英文か◆919
50. By being trained carefully, the/a  dog becomes/will become  a faithful servant. における the と becomes は,a と will become に直さなくてよいのではないか◆919
51. “we”について◆921
52. John gave the door a kick. の the door を疑問詞化するとどうなるか◆921
53. What is there  in the garden?◆922
54. What time is it necessary for me to come? について◆923
55. Why don't you cut your cake in half? に対する response◆924

1. among the rest について◆926
2. They were all anxious about the result of the election. の下線部を節に変えたら◆927
3. as best as  one can は正しいか◆928
4. as early as six hours  after the accident は可か◆929
5. for as long as  I could remember / as early as 1800◆930
6. If you ask Europeans what they consider (is ) the best season, ... の is の有無◆932
7. be worried + that 節は可能か◆932
8. But for his help, I could not finish the work. を複文にした文は If it were not for his help, ... だけか◆934
9. is か are か◆935
10. Do you know of  any good person? の書き換えは Do you know that  there is any ...? か◆937
11. have the misfortune that ... は可能か◆937
12. the misfortune of 〜ing◆938
13. I am glad to see you. の不定詞を節に書き換えるとどうなるか◆939
14. I am glad ( ) you have come. の正答◆940
15. I am sure of his succeeding . について◆942
16. In spite of August / of being August, it is not as hot as usual. と言えるか◆943
17. It seems doubtful for him to have a good memory. は誤りか◆944
18. Hundreds of years seem to have passed before hours, minutes and seconds were thought of. を It seems that hundreds of years has passed  before hours, minutes and seconds were thought of. と書き換えられるか◆945
19. not ... enough to 〜 を so ... that に変えるとどうなるか◆947
20. on the contrary の用法(その1)◆951
21. on the contrary の用法(その2)◆953
22. on the contrary の用法(その3)◆954
23. regardless + if 節は可能か◆956
24. such as の次は文でよいか◆958
25. The system is that  students are expected ... の構文は可能か −− such that の用法◆959
26. the tendency that players only think of victory or defeat と言えるか◆961
27. twice a week と twice in a week の異同◆961
28. As a vessel is known by the sound whether it is cracked or not, ... のwhether の解釈◆963
29. win or lose◆963

1. Everything ... he said is right. の空所に入る関係代名詞は that か which か◆965
2. This is a knife  with which I cut meat. と This is the knife  with which I cut meat. の相違◆967
3. it does not lose altitude, as  might be expected◆969
4. He is a foreigner, as is evident from his accent. の表現について◆972
5. 関係詞 as の意味(?)◆973
6. as の制限的関係代名詞用法◆974
7. 代名詞の有無と as の品詞◆975
8. No man is so old but  that he may learn. などにおける but の用法◆980
9. There is no race now known but which  has this most useful servant.の but which について◆981
10. It is 〜 that (who, which, when, where) ... について◆982
11. We came to a large river. / I have forgotten the name of the river. を関係詞を用いて1文にする◆984
12. I do not like the face of her who is always in the blues? は誤りか◆986
13. that の非制限的用法◆987
14. It was the first time that  I climbed Mt.Fuji. の that は省略できるか◆989
15. 関係副詞としての that◆991
16. Child that  I was, I felt thrilled ... の that は何か◆993
17. 「関係代名詞が目的語となるときは,省略することが多いが,省略しない場合には,通例,that を用いる」という記述について◆994
18 ... the rich and poetic language it is の it is の前の省略は as か that か◆995
19. neither の接続詞的用法 / 「赤信号で止まる」の英訳 / what-Clause を主語とする動詞の数は◆996
20. what are  called の are は is でなくてよいか / every imaginable cavity は every cavity imaginable でなくてよいか◆997
21. What little money he had と the little money he had◆998
22. 疑問代名詞 what を修飾する that ... 節◆999
23. His memory went back to _____ he was a boy. の空所には何が入るか◆1000
24. Soho is a part of London where  there are all sorts of restaurants. の where の先行詞◆1000
25. 関係副詞か関係代名詞か◆1001
26. I take the bus till it gets to the end of the line, and then go back where I got on it [or  I started]. の where の前に to は不可欠か◆1002
27. which の先行詞◆1004
28. We are surprised at the fluency she spoke French with. と言えるか◆1005
29. which の独立用法◆1006
30. an anxiety it is very hard to describe と an anxiety which is very hard to describe◆1008
31. 独立して who が用いられるか◆1009
32. whom か who か◆1014
33. the reason + for + why ... は正しいか◆1015
34. 疑問詞の重用◆1016
35. 1文中に2つの疑問詞◆1016
36. How is the weather today? は誤りか◆1019
37. How/What  do you think of [or  about] ...? の表現◆1020
38. Where did he get the news? −− He got it on the radio. の問答◆1022
39. What more の品詞◆1022
40. aiming at something, I knew not what ◆1023
41. What was she sad for? と言えるか◆1024
42. when と完了形◆1025
43. 疑問詞 who の数◆1026
44. Who (or  What) is Mason?◆1027
45. She insisted on his  paying the money. で,his を疑問詞にした疑問文はどうなるか◆1027
46. Whose ...? への応答文◆1029
47. why to do と how to do◆1030
48. why + to 不定詞は可能か◆1030


1. 話法の変換に伴う変更の有無◆1033
2. I said, “I read  the book when I was  a student.” → I said I had read  the book when I was  a student. における was はなぜ had been とならないか◆1034
3. I asked if  I should not put it on a chair for him . を直接話法に◆1035
4. deny は直接話法の伝達動詞として不可か◆1036

5. consonant, vowel はなぜ「子音」「母音」なのか◆1038
6. She is washing the dishes in the kitchen. のどこをいちばん強く発音するか◆1040
7. It is + 形容詞 + for [of] ... + 不定詞の発音上の切れ目について◆1040
8. The lotus flowers were as beautiful as before. の文中のどこで休止するか◆1042
9. alleged [эle'dзd] / allegedly [эle'dIзdlI]◆1042
10. a boy aged 10の aged は1音節か2音節か◆1043
11. leaped, leapt の発音(その1)◆1044
12. leaped, leapt の発音(その2)◆1045
13. newspaper の発音◆1046
14. UFO, U.F.O. の発音◆1047

15 ... as being as  Japanese as words ... の2番目の as は正用法か◆048
16. they all did ‘taiso ̄’ just as  I remembered doing in the army◆1048
17. I want the same shirt as  my father's. の as の品詞◆1049
18. leave ... to chance の chance の品詞は何か◆1050
19. take it easy の easy は形容詞か副詞か◆1050
20. There's nothing I'm afraid of like  scared people. の意味と like の品詞◆1051
21. like の品詞は◆1052

22. alarmed は形容詞か動詞の過去分詞か - −− 辞典の見出し語の立て方◆1053
23. Stay on the train until  Birmingham. の until は前置詞か◆1056

24. 否定文における all と both◆1057
25. all ... not の2意◆1058
26. Everyone  will not  agree with you.◆1060
27. any ... not は可能か◆1060
28. Money is not everything. は部分否定か◆1062
29. as  is in common in many other societies, の訳◆1063
30. as の節と否定◆1065
31. I am not a painter as you are not. は不可か◆1066
32. because 節を伴う否定文の意味◆1073
33. no more [less] ... than ... / not more [less] ... than◆1076
34. not/no  more than fifty books◆1079
35. You have little money. は肯定文か否定文か◆1081
36. not ... at all と not at all の相違◆1081
37. I have not  been there (for) five years .◆1082
38. Not anyone ... は可能か◆1086
39. not ... (un)like◆1086
40. a not  unfamiliar story◆1088
41. ‘not a few books’ を‘not few books’ と書き換えられるか◆1089
42. not only A but (also) B は否定表現になりうるか◆1089
43. unless 節と部分否定◆1090
44. I don't guess he is an American. といえるか◆1091
45. no ... but which という構文◆1092
46. もっぱら否定の文脈に現れる表現◆1093

47. My mother was preparing breakfast when I got up at six. と When I got up at six, my mother was preparing breakfast. との相違◆1097
48. You only have to  study. について◆1099
49. I have never seen a man taller (or a taller man ) than John.◆1102
50. fail though I did◆1103
51. The thought is still generally accepted that women should stay in the home. という語順はどういう場合に可能か◆1104
52. to have known our own culture = to have our own culture known (to other nations)と言えるか(その1)◆1107
53. to have known our own culture = to have our own culture known (to other nations)と言えるか(その2)◆1109
54. Love something one must (その1)◆1110
55. Love something one must (その2)◆1112
56. It is until  you eat a steak and get it into your blood that you don't own it . や Not until  you eat a steak and get it into your blood you won it . は可能か◆1113
57. some idea of how difficult is ... の語順◆1115
58. realized how deep is the bosom of America, a nation of immigrants における倒置◆1115
59. more ... than と....more than◆1116
60. There's one more  thing. と There's one thing more . との違い◆1118
61. on this our wedding day◆1119
62. 「the + 比較級,the + 比較級」後半の語順(その1)◆1120
63. 「the + 比較級,the + 比較級」後半の語順(その2)◆1121
64. read the pages one after another と read one page after another とでは,どちらがより普通か◆1122
65. paint white ... / paint ... white◆1122
66. What did you know  would happen at the party? は可能か◆1125
67. You all  are diligent. は正しいか◆1127
68. You have a book as fine as I . のような形容詞の位置は可能か◆1128
69. a girl baby とは言わないのか◆1129

70. modern はどんなとき「現代」で,どんなとき「近代」なのか◆1131
71. Alice in Wonderland の訳語◆1132
72. fried tomatoes はどんなものか◆1133
73. curry and rice か rice and curry か◆1134
74. Creaking doors hang the longest. の出典◆1135
75. one who steals an egg will steal an ox. の出典◆1136
76. They say the devil is always good to his own.◆1136
77. Relentless Time, ... の出典◆1136
78. a great French moralist とは誰のこと◆1137
79. George Eliot の作品の題名は Scenes of Clerical LifeScenes from Clerical Life か◆1137
80. Hazlitt と Milne の文の出典◆1138
81. 指を使った数の数え方◆1138
82. bell について◆1139
83. ‘Fido’の発音と犬の名前◆1140

84. redouble, recommend などの re- の意味◆1141

1. *I wonder where the party's  tomorrow. の縮約形はなぜいけないか◆1143
2. 引用符の使用法◆1145
3. 引用符と句読点の位置◆1146
4. an expert climber, better even than Chips, who was pretty good◆1147
5. I who cannot see と she, who was deaf におけるコンマの有無◆1149
6. May I have your attention, please. −− 疑問符の有無◆1150
7. 疑問符の有無◆1152
8. パラグラフの書き始め◆1153
9. 表題の“Why Men Walk on the Dangerous Side” にはどうして Do も疑問符もつかないのか◆1156
10. 接続詞 however の前のコンマ◆1156

11. A.M / P.M◆1157
12. Yedo, yen のローマ字書きについて◆1158

13. cattle に先行する数詞◆1159
14. during the five years between 1940 and 1945, ... について◆1159
15. the twentieth century と the nineteen hundreds (1900's) の違い◆1162
16. three-hundredths of a second は300分の1秒でよいか◆1163
17. The cost of the building summed (up) to [or  into] the millions. について◆1163
18. one out of five Japanese men of 20 と one fifth of Japanese men of 20の違い◆1164

19. action films, action star, action drama は英語か◆1164
20. 「ベストテン」の正しい英語表現は◆1166
21. 「ネック」の原語は neck か bottleneck か◆1167
22. 「キャッシュカード」〈cash card〉は和製英語か◆1167
23. 「シートノック」と「フリーバッティング」は英語か◆1170
24. four balls は和製英語か(その1)◆1171
25. four balls は和製英語か(その2)◆1174
26. 「混血児」(名詞),「混血の」(形容詞)の意味の half は正真正銘の英語か◆1175
27. 「ニュースキャスター」の英語は ‘newscaster’か◆1176
28. personal computer は和製英語か◆1179
29. 「ポケットベル」〈a pocket bell〉は英語か◆1180
30. ‘quality life’ は無意味か◆1183
31. a salaried man は正しい英語か◆1183
32. 「スキンシップ」〈skinship〉は英語か◆1186
33. after all の意味と用法◆1186
34. all the day は不可か◆1188
35. He is no better than a beggar. = He is as good  as a beggar. か◆1190
36. He came home at the night. は正しいか◆1191
37. be glad of doing はなぜだめか◆1191
38. Book your room with the courtesy 'phone. という表現は不可か◆1193
39. a child of four は「三つ子」でよいか◆1194
40. The artist's pictures will attract  a great deal of attention. の attract の代わりの表現◆1194
41. Come on in. と Do come in. の違い◆1195
42. could be について◆1195
43. Dangling modifier◆1197
44. don't grow on trees [bushes」◆1200
45. Don't you mind opening the window? は誤りか◆1201
46. Each [Every] door or window was closed. は正しいか◆1202
47. He endorsed the check on the back. と言えるか◆1202
48. He is far  from happiness . は可能か◆1203
49. Dagwood is in a barber's shop ( ) a haircut. の( )に for は使えないか◆1204
50. make trouble for someone を make someone trouble と言い換えられるか◆1205
51. I went fishing ( ) the river. で to はありえないか◆1206
52. have no idea◆1207
53. Here's where  we'll take you ...◆1208
54. How can you say such a thing ? は現代用法か◆1210
55. I don't mind◆1210
56. I say what I mean. と I mean what I say.◆1211
57. I think I will ... について◆1212
58. What are you going to be [do] in the future ? の in the future について◆1213
59. keep early hours は早寝のみを意味し,早起きは含まないか◆1215
60. He speaks French and German, let alone  English. は正用法か◆1216
61. make ourselves heard others は可能か◆1222
62. 「必ず...する」は make sure to でよいか◆1223
63. make up 58 percent といえるか◆1224
64. many more と much more の相違◆1225
65. Hawks eat many more  field mice than chickens. の many◆1225
66. may/might (just) as well  do (as not )◆1227
67. I wish you Merry Christmas! と言うか◆1229
68. 「彼女はもう働けなかった」の英訳◆1230
69. no more の意味用法について◆1230
70. no matter.◆1233
71. There is no rule without exception . は可能か◆1234
72. My bicycle is not older than yours. とは言えないか◆1234
73. not so much ... as ... と not ... so much as ... の相違◆1236
74. There is nothing to be hoped for◆1237
75. It isn't cold ; on the contrary , it's hot. は正文か◆1238
76. on the other hand と on the contrary◆1240
77. one way or another という表現は可能か◆1241
78. Owing to  the favorable wind, our voyage went smoothly. のように owing to をよいことに使うのは正しくないか◆1242
79. 「虫と遊ぶ」,「虫の音」は play with insects ; he sounds they make でよいか◆1243
80. the powers that be の be は何か◆1244
81. remember me to (your wife) は詩的で古風な言い方か◆1245
82. 生徒の書く「レポート」は report でよいか◆1246
83. the chances against  survival are seven hundred and twenty-five to one.と the chances of  survival are seven hundred twenty-five to one. −− 否定的解釈と肯定的解釈◆1246
84. on the same day or days◆1248
85. some kind(s) of flowers or other [or another ] の another は正しいか◆1248
86. stop smoking を give up smoking の代わりに使えるか◆1249
87. Strike while the iron is hot.◆1250
88. terminal examination と言うか◆1251
89. Thank you all the same. は誤りか◆1252
90. The red light means “Go.”は誤りではないか◆1252
91. There is a sense in which ... の構文◆1253
92. To the degree that ... の意味◆1257
93. There were too many  chairs by one . は大変おおげさな表現か◆1257
94. two on the aisle◆1259
95. We are seven. は誤りか◆1259
96. What is his name? に対し,It's Tom. の応答文は可能か◆1260
97. at Wilson's house の代わりに at the Wilson house と言うか◆1262
98. with a gun on his shoulder の和訳◆1262
99. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. の could hear は could have heard でなくてもよいか◆1263
100. You had better ( ) let him go when you were asked to. の空所は not でよいか◆1264
101. Though he was a young man, ... の書き換え◆1265
102. yesterday evening より last evening が好まれるか◆1267
103. 依頼の表現◆1268
104. That is not your fault. と That is no fault of yours. の違い / It is impossible to tell when he will arrive. と There is no telling when he will arrive. の違い / quickly, rapidly, fast の違い / silly, foolish の違い / 自由英作文の上達法などについて◆1272
105. ある学習参考書の記述について11問◆1275

106. accompanying person の意味◆1278
107. Aha! You heard that? の解釈◆1278
108. as well as と as, like の相違◆1279
109. Bowing is neither less nor more silly than shaking hands or kissing the cheek. の解釈◆1280
110. breakthrough◆1280
111. by all means を「いかなる犠牲を払っても」の意味に用いるのは誤りか◆1281
112. 独立分詞構文の和訳◆1283
113. Come on. の反語的な意味◆1284
114. I don't really like the telephone. の意味◆1285
115. freeze/starve  to death と be frozen/starved  to death◆1286
116. “Going my way, soldier?”の訳し方◆1288
117. Good manners make a person nice to know. の意味◆1289
118. the growing gap between the living standard of those in the developed as against the developing nations の意味◆1290
119. have one's share of ... の意味◆1290
120. 英文の意味◆1291
121. He was as wealthy as any in the town. は He was the wealthiest in the town. と同じ意味か◆1292
122. hundreds, one の指すもの◆1293
123. I hear の過去の意味◆1293
124. in itself はどれと関連するのか◆1294
125. I hope (that) ... には心配・危惧の観念が含まれているか◆1295
126. It appears that ... の意義◆1295
127. It isn't as if ... の意味◆1297
128. Kick up the fire. の意味◆1299
129. latkas の語義◆1300
130. let's see と let me see は同じ意味か◆1301
131. He lives two doors off. は2軒目の家か3軒目の家か◆1302
132. ..., marking him ten and one, ... の意味◆1303
133. a matter of time/hours ◆1303
134. may well の2つの意味◆1305
135. We shall soon have the mist rising . の rising の訳◆1310
136. more than◆1311
137. There is no comparison between A and B. の意味◆1312
138. He has not been home a week. と同意の文◆1313
139. a red-eye night とは◆1314
140. I regret being unable to help の意味◆1315
141. slip on their clothes の意味◆1315
142. They ask such a question as could be put like this. の意味◆1316
143. the sunshine patriot の意味◆1316
144. tag off, ticket off ... / a love◆1317
145. that is to say の‘at least’ の意味◆1318
146. The devil fetch her! の意味◆1320
147. Walking is best as a means of keeping fit. の同意表現◆1320
148. East of Eden の“Timshel”はどんな意味か◆1320
149. too proud to do はよい意味で用いられるか悪い意味で用いられるか◆1326
150. I wanted to be/made  sure that◆1327
151. What do you think were my reasons for issuing that order? の意味を why と do you think を用いて書くとすればどのような英文になるか?◆1328
152. 形容詞句か副詞句か◆1328
153. to break / hardly の用法◆1329
154. You can pick up the book ..., and ... の意味◆1332
155. biniou, johnswort, melampyre, sumpitan の意味◆1333
156. jerry-go-nimble ; gawkhammer mortal ; sucked in の意味◆1334
157. the point is / help him / write off / unless he is writing off の訳文について◆1335
158. (1) ‘Why then molest us?’ は ‘Why do they  molest us?’ か, (2) ‘God's name!’は In God's name!’ か, (3) pestilence になぜ不定冠詞がつくのか◆1337

159. 野菜や肉を切るときに出る「あく」を英語で何というか◆1338
160. 「恐れる」 / 「ベストセラー」◆1340
161. 「ミレーはある有名な画家の門下生になりました」の英訳◆1341
162. 「1年のうちで一番短い月は何月ですか」の英訳◆1342
163. 「〜しに行ったことがある」の英訳◆1344
164. 「オーストラリアは日本の何倍ありますか」の英訳◆1345
165. 「〜から〜まで」の英語◆1346
166. 「扉のガラスに額をおしあてて」は with my head pressed against the door でよいか◆1346
167. 「彼はもう帰りましたよ」に対応する英語◆1347
168. 「私はあなたと完全に意見が一致したというわけではない」の英訳◆1348
169. 「彼はギターをかかえて弾いています」の英訳◆1348
170. 「魚屋」を表わす英語◆1349
171. 「霜が降りる」の英訳◆1350
172. 「私の学校には,商業,国際経済,情報処理の3つの学科があります。」の英訳◆1350
173. 「咳一つないほど静か」◆1351
174. 「手紙の返事を書く」に write an answer と言えるか◆1352
175. 「彼は彼らのうちで誰を愛していますか」の英訳◆1353
176. 「電子レンジ」は英語で何というか◆1356
177. 「どこへ行くバスの停留所を探しているのですか」の英訳◆1356
178. 「トレパン」,「トレシャツ」,「トレーニング・ウェア上下」の訳語◆1358
179. 「長崎県はおもに半島と島と港湾とから成り,海岸線が長い」の英訳◆1359
180. 「私は2,3日いなかに行っていました」の英訳文 I went to the country for  a few days. の for の意味◆1360
181. 「花が咲く」「満開だ」の英語◆1361
182. 「昨日久しぶりに友人に会った」の英訳◆1362
183. 「彼は病弱で猛勉強はできなかった」の英訳◆1363
184. 「2つ以上」の英訳◆1364
185. 「ブレーキをかける」の英語表現◆1365
186. 「北海道」の英訳として Hokkai Prefecture or  the Hokkai prefecture は可能か◆1366
187. 「待ってましたとばかりにこのはなしをした」の英訳◆1367
188. 「彼は目的地につくのにまる1日かかった」の英訳◆1368
189. 「夜が明けた」の英訳◆1369
190. 「ほんの僅かな言葉で,これほど多くの内容を表わすことができる」の英訳◆1370
191. 「私の家族は両親と妹と私です」の英訳◆1370
192. 「..., スポーツはレクリエーションの一部にすぎないのですね」の英訳◆1372
193. 「答案用紙」,「問題用紙」の英訳◆1373
194. 「署長はその誘拐犯人を逮捕するよう署員に命じた」の英訳◆1374
195. It suddenly dawned on me why he was so anxious to go. は「彼がなぜそんなに行きたがっているのかという疑問が突然私の胸中に湧き起こった」の意味になるか◆1374
196. 今の家賃が$600で,最初の家賃が$400だったら,It's exactly one halfone third  more than it was when we first moved in. のいずれか◆1376
197. panty stockings / pantyhose◆1376
198. 「セロテープ」にあたる英語◆1377
199. 入試和文英訳選択問題の正解◆1378

200. 誤文訂正問題5題◆1383
201. 短縮形を使う場合◆1384
202. 中学校教科書が「飛行機」を plane だけ,「秋」を fall だけ教えることや発音表記への疑問◆1385
203. How many hot dogs do you have? と Mike is taking Dandy for a walk now. の意味◆1387
204. I think you like to play cards. を否定疑問文に書き換える◆1388
205. It is + 形容詞 + that ... should 型を二分して教える必要があるか◆1389
206. My birthday falls on next Wednesday. は誤りか◆1391
207. so ... that の取り扱い◆1391
208. be going to 〜◆1394
209. What's in the pen? - There are some white bears. に関する疑問◆1395
210. (1) Open the window, will you please ? / (2) The lake is ( ((米略式)) the ) deepest here. は educational な例文か◆1397