
 どこに行ってたの? 探したのよ。
Where have you been? I've been looking for you.

I was in my room, sleeping.

 ううん、あなたいなかったわよ。あなたの部屋、ちゃんと確認したもの。何かのにおいがするんだけど… お外行ったでしょ?
No, you were not there. I did check your room. You smell like... You went outside, didn't you?

 ううん! 自分の部屋にいたもん!
No! I was in my room!

No, you were not. You smell like dogs. You were playing with the neighbor's dog again!

 うん… いつもママ、あの犬とは遊ぶなっていうからさ。だから言わなかったの。
Yeah... You always tell me not to play with him, so I didn't tell you.

Tommy, you can't lie to me. I'm very sad when you tell a lie. You don't wanna make me sad, do you?

 うん… ごめんなさい。
No... Sorry.