あらまあ… ずいぶん雨降ってるわね。ねえルーシー、うちの中で綾取りして遊ぼうか?
Oh boy. It's raining really hard. Hey Lucy, do you want to stay inside and play cat's cradle?

 綾取りって何? やり方しらないよ。
What's cat's cradle? I don't know how to play that.

I'll teach you. Get a long piece of string. We'll make a loop with that.

 ひも持って来た? じゃあひもの両端を結んでね。
Do you have some string? Tie the ends of the string together.

Like this?

 そうね。もう少しきつく結んだ方がいいかな。そうそう! じゃあそのひもをママの手に乗っけて。
Yes. You might want to tie it a little tighter. Good! Now, put it on my hands.