ドアを乱暴に閉めるんじゃないよ! 静かに閉めなさい。
Don't slam the door! Close it gently.

 ちょっとルーシー! ドア開けっ放しにしないの! いつもこうなんだから…
Hey, Lucy! Don't leave the door open! She never learns.

When you close the door, make sure there is no one behind you. Otherwise, someone may get hurt when you close the door.

 あ、もう! ドアの鍵かけるの忘れた! ルーシー、おうち戻らなくちゃ。
Oh, shoot! I forgot to lock the door! Lucy, we need to go back home.

 いや! 今、おうち帰りたくない!
No! I don't want to go home now!

We can quickly go home and come back here.
