I don't want to go to school tomorrow.

 なぜ? 具合でも悪いの?
Why? Are you (feeling) sick or something?

Frank said he doesn't like me anymore because I got taller than him.

 いい? そういう時は、ちゃんと言い返さないと。背が伸びたからって嫌われるなんて、そんなこと絶対あってはいけないことなの。背が高くなる人もいれば、そうじゃない人もいるの。それはすごく普通のことなの。
Listen. You have to stick up for yourself. You shouldn't be disliked just because you got taller. Some people get tall, and some people don't. That's natural.

What should I tell him, then?

Tell him that you got taller than him, but you are you. You are still his good friend, and you like him. He'll understand.

 どうしたの? 自転車、どうしちゃったの? パンクしたの?
What's wrong? What happened to your bike [bicycle]? Did you get a flat tire?

 エドがやったんだよ… やつ、僕のこといじめるんだ。
Ed did it. He's been bullying me.

 エドがやったってどういうこと?! じゃあ歩いて帰ってきたの?
What do you mean Ed did it? So you walked all the way home?

 うん… 前は僕がやつのこといじめてたんだけど、今度は彼のお兄ちゃんと二人で僕をいじめるようになったんだ。
Yeah. I used to bully him, but this time, he and his brother started bullying me.

You should have been nice to Ed. Did you say you were sorry for bullying him?

No, I don't want to say that because now he's bullying me!

You have to say it. It was your fault that you were not nice to him. Let's go to Ed's house together.

These days, he's so concerned about his face. It seems like someone teased him about his nose.

Kids tend to do that kind of stuff.

If he didn't seem to care, that's OK. But apparently he's very concerned.

We may need to talk to his teacher, but I don't think she would do anything about it. I hope we can find out who's doing it. Then we can talk to his parents.

OK, I'll try to find out.