Don't leave your shoes right in the middle of the entrance.
After you take off your shoes at the entrance [door], arrange them nicely [neatly].
靴、片付けて! 邪魔よ。
Put your shoes away! They're in the way.
Do you want me to tie your shoelaces?
No, thank you. I can do it myself.
分かった。でも何か苦労してるみたいだけど… 本当にママがやらないでいいの?
OK. Seems like you are having a hard time, though... Are you sure you don't want mommy to do it for you?
Yes, I'm sure!!
ママー!、ママー! (靴を持ってくる)
Mommy! Mommy! (brings his shoes)
どうしたの? あ、お外に行きたいのね。すごいね! そんなことができるようになったんだね!
What's up? Oh, you wanna go outside. Wow! You can do things like that now!
It's raining outside today, so wear your rain boots.
ヤダよ! 格好悪いもん。いまどき長靴なんて誰もはいてないよ。
No! They look bad. No one's wearing them these days.
格好いいとか悪いとか、そんなことどうでもいいの! あなたの靴がびしょびしょにぬれて汚れちゃうのがイヤなのよ。ほら! これはきなさい。
I don't care whether they look good or bad! I don't want you to get your shoes wet and muddy. Here! Put these on.
この色嫌い! 青いの買ってくれる? ティムの長靴は青いんだよ。
I don't like this color! Can you get me blue ones? Tim has blue ones.
これでいいの。まだはけるでしょ。ほら、行きなさい! 遅刻するわよ!
These are fine. There is nothing wrong with them. Now, run along! You're gonna be late!