
 もっとアイスクリーム欲しいよ! もうひとすくい食べたい!
I want more ice cream! I want to eat [have] another scoop!

 分かったわよ。本当にアイスクリーム好きねえ。どっちがいい? チョコ? それともバニラ?
OK. You really like ice cream. Which one would you want? Chocolate or vanilla?

 いいや、この子にこれ以上、アイスクリームは必要ない! この子に必要なのはしつけだよ! トミー、もうアイスクリームはたくさん食べたんだ。歯を磨いて寝なさい!
No, he doesn't need any more ice cream. What he needs is discipline. Tommy, you had enough ice cream already. Now brush your teeth and go to bed.

 あなた、アイスクリームをもうちょっとあげるくらい、大したことないわよ! もうちょっとあげましょうよ!
Honey, a little more ice cream won't hurt him. Let him have some more.

No, Linda. Tommy didn't finish his dinner tonight. He can only have more ice cream if he finishes his dinner. We should stop spoiling him like this.


Jane doesn't listen to me these days.

That may be because you are always with Lucy.

 しょうがないじゃない! あの子の方が手間がかかるんだもの…
I can't help it. She needs more care.

But you could spare a few minutes for Jane. She wants your attention.