目に何か入ってないか見てくれる? 痛くって!
Can you see if I have something in my eye? It hurts! / It's hurting.
Oh, it's an eyelash.
That's why. Thanks, Tommy.
Her eyesight is really bad [poor]. Do you think it's from watching too much TV?
ときどきテレビに近すぎる時があるよな。 例えば、夜は星を見させるのはどうかな?
Sometimes she gets too close to the TV. She's too little to wear glasses. How about making her look at the stars at night?
あなたもやったら? 一日中モニターを見詰めているから目が疲れてると思うよ。
Why don't you do that, too. I think your eyes must be tired from staring at the monitor all day.