I'm bored to death!
He's such a spoiled kid!
こんな目尻のしわ、いつできたの?! 年とってきたかしら?
When did I get these crow's feet around my eyes? Am I getting old?
Don't be too strict with her.
How could you do that to me?!
I've had enough of this little town. I'm bored to death. Can we move back to LA?
Your dad got a job here. As long as he works here, we can't move.
最悪! こんなところにいたくないよ。ロスの大学に行っていい? そしたらロスに戻れるし、友達にも会えるから。
This is awful! I don't want to be stuck here. Can I go to college in LA? Then I can go back and see my friends.
ここからロスまでなんて、車で3日もかかるのよ。そんな遠くに行ってほしくないわ。ここの大学でいいじゃない? それで夏休みにお友達に会いに行けば。
It's a three-day drive from here to LA. I don't want you to go that far. How about a college here? You can go visit your friends during summer breaks.
もしUCLAに入れたら、私ここから出て行くから! ご心配なく。奨学金をもらえたらの話だから。でも言っとくけど、私ここが本当に嫌いだから!
If I can get into UCLA, I will move out of here. Don't worry, I won't go unless I can get a scholarship. But I'm telling you, I hate it here!