おはよう、ジェーン。トミーとルーシーはもう起きてる? もうすぐ下におりてくるかしら?
Good morning, Jane. Are Tommy and Lucy awake now? I wonder if they'll come down soon.

I doubt they'll come. They're were still sleeping.

 何?! あなたが行って起こしてくれる? お母さんはあなたたちのサンドイッチ作ってるから、できないのよ。
What?! Could you go and wake them up, please? I'm making sandwiches for you guys so I can't do it.

 分かったよ… もしあの子たちが起きなかったら、けってもいい?
All right. If they don't wake up, can I kick them?

 そんなこと考えないの! でもあの子たちに、叫んでもいいわよ。
Don't even think about it! But you can yell (at them).