お願い、ママ! これ買ってよ! お願い!
Please, mom! Please get [buy] me this (for me)! I'm begging you!
Sorry. No more toys./I'm not buying anymore toys.
ママって、本当、意地悪! 大嫌い!
You are so mean! I hate you!
新しいおもちゃはどこにやったの? ほら、先月、買ったおもちゃの銃よ。
<What did you do with your new toy? You know, the toy gun we bought last month.
I got bored with it already.
See? I thought this would happen. You always get tired of them. I'm not buying [going to buy] you anymore toys.
駄目です。これ以上おもちゃは買いません。以上! (話し合いはここまで!)
I said no. I won't buy you any more toys. Period!