I see to it that I check her homework every day.
それはいいわねえ! 私もそうしなきゃね。
That's great! I need to do that, too.
あの子、トミーと同い年? 大きい!
Is he the same age as Tommy? He's big!
Actually, I think he's a little younger than Tommy.
You're kidding!
He's such a loving father.
★"such a"は「本当に」という強調。
I used to hate the idea of living close to my parents, but now I really like it!
My child is really rowdy.
It seems like my son didn't go to school today. He left home around eight, and came back around three like he normally does, but I received a telephone call from his teacher.
どこに行ったのかしらねえ? きっと1人じゃなかったと思うわよ。息子さんにどこ行ってたか聞いた?
I wonder where he was. I bet he wasn't alone. Did you ask him where he went?
いいえ、まだなのよ。どうやって接したらいいか分からなくて。あまり厳し過ぎてもいけないし、甘やかしてもいけないし… あの子が自分で言ってくるのを待ちたい気もするし。
No, not yet. I don't know how to ^talk to [deal with] him. I shouldn't be too strict, but I shouldn't spoil him either. I feel like I want to wait until he confesses to me.
そうねえ… 私も息子さんが自分で言ってくるのを待つのがいいと思う。夕食のあいだに言ってくるかもよ。
Yeah. You may want to wait until he tells you. He might tell you during dinner time.
うちの娘、まだ爪をかんでるんですよ… お宅のお嬢さんも爪かんでますか?
My daughter still bites her fingernails. Does your daughter do that?
She used to, but not anymore. I don't know how she broke the habit though.
Whenever she bites her fingernails, I tell her to stop but I hate to tell her again and again because I guess she's not doing it on purpose. She can't help it.
I heard that fingernail biting is sometimes related to psychological problems. You might want to talk to a doctor.
I've been having a hard time with my son. Whenever I tell him to do something, he talks back to [at] me.
うちもそうなのよ。昨日の夜ね、私が娘に宿題終わらせろって言ったのよ。そしたらあの子何て言ったと思う? 「あんたなんて最低!」って。
Same here! Last night, I told my daughter to finish her homework. You know what she said? She said "You suck!"
そんな表現どこで覚えてくるのかしら? お嬢さん、テレビよく見る?
I wonder where she learned that kind of expression. Does she watch a lot of TV?
No, we rarely watch TV. I guess she learned it at school.
In a way, it may be a good thing because she is starting to learn how to express her mind [thoughts] clearly.
どうかしら… 私がやってほしくないことを、あの子はやろうとしているように思えるの。私を打ち負かそうとしているというか。
I don't know about that... To me, it looks like she just wants to do things I don't like. It seems like she's trying to challenge me.
It may a good idea to consult her teacher.
Does your son watch ABCDE channel?
No, we never let him watch that. We even say we don't have that channel.
That's smart. We should make him stop watching that channel, too. It's full of garbage. What does your son watch, then?
We like CCC channel. They never use bad [vulgar] words [language] and there are no violent scenes.
ああ、CCCチャンネル? あれはいいよね。大人にはちょっとつまらないけど、子供にはぴったりだね。
Oh, CCC channel? That's a good one. It's kind of boring for grown-ups, but perfect for kids.
Your daughter fell asleep while she was playing with my daughter. Will you come pick her up now?
あら、ごめんなさい! 今から5分でそっちに行きますから!
Oh, I'm sorry! I will be there in five minutes.
あんた何やってんの? 何の音楽よ、これ?!
What are you doing? What kind of music is that?
This is part of the prenatal program. This is good for the baby.
信じらんない… あんたいつもヘビメタ聴いてたのに。
I can't believe it. You always used to listen to heavy metal (music).
It seems like my son is drinking when I'm not around.
Why don't you make him stop?
え… だって怒らせたくないんだもの。怒らせると手に負えなくて。
Well, I don't want to anger him. If he gets mad, he gets out of control.
OK. I'll put a stop to it if you don't do it. It's a serious problem, and someone has to do it.
うちの息子、最近、全然、外に行って遊ばないんですよ… 彼の入ってたグループから仲間外れにされたんだって言うんです。
My son doesn't play outside these days. He says he was kind of kicked out of the clique he used to belong to.
Sounds familiar to me. When I was a kid, things like that happened all the time. I think he'll be fine. He'll have to wait for a while until his friends change their minds.
Oh, now I remember. My sister had a similar experience. She used to come home from school and cry all day but it was just for a short time.
Kids are sometimes cruel, you know. They tease other kids just because they don't like their shoes or something. It seems like many people go through that kind of thing.