ほら、湯気が出てるでしょ? お湯が沸いたってことよ。パスタ入れていいわよ。
Look, see the steam coming out? That means the water is boiling. You can put the pasta in (now).

Always set the timer when you cook pasta. Timing is important.

Put some salt in it. About a tablespoonful.

 さ、ざるにパスタをあけて。気を付けてね! お湯、気を付けて!
OK. Empty [dump] the pasta into the colander. Be careful of the steam!

 ザルの真上に顔を近づけないの! 湯気でやけどするよ!
Don't put your face right over the colander. You'll get burned by the steam!

 ルーシー、パスタをゆでてくれる? 大きな鍋にお水張って。
Lucy, can you cook the pasta? Fill the big pot with water. / Put water into the big pot.

Set it on the stove and put the lid on. Then turn the stove on.

Shake it a bit to drain off the excess water.

Taste it before you turn off the stove. If it's still hard, you have to cook it some more.

 柔らかすぎね! ゆですぎだよ!
It's too soft! It's overcooked!