ルーシー、これトミーに録画しておいてくれる? 彼、この番組好きだから。
Lucy, can you tape this for Tommy? He likes this show [program].

I don't know how to (do it).

Oh, it's easy. The tape is already in there, so (you) just press this button.

Good morning, mom.

Good morning, Tommy. How do you feel today?

 いいよ。僕、昨日の夜、 テレビを見ている最中に、寝ちゃったんだよね。
Good.  I fell asleep as I was watching TV last night, right?

That's right. You fell asleep around eight o'clock. You must have been really tired.

 なんだよ! じゃあXXの番組、見られなかったんだ! お母さん、ビデオに撮ってくれた?
Oh man! That means I missed the XX show! Mom, did you tape it (for me)?

 もちろん撮ったわよ! あなたがどんなに、この番組が好きか分かるのよ! さー、トミー、こっちきて朝ご飯食べなさい!
Of course I did! I know how much you really like this show [program]! OK Tommy, now come and eat your breakfast!